Mistreatment, Refusal to transfer

And suddenly, now that we got a judge to order the medication that they refused to administer, it was now...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Refusal of transfer


Mistreatment, Neglect

Why didn't they try to even put him on a vent? They did nothing.

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Neglect

Deprivation of vital needs

So we got denied ivermectin,

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

Neglect and refusal to treat

"which took several hours because Jeff kept saying he was getting

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence

Deprivation of vital needs

So, you know, just like the other two doctors, I asked her what's the data behind remdesivir? What's the supporting...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

Mistreatment and neglect

Texas was robbed of a, you know, a very a very good man to these protocols.

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Refusal to communicate + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

Neglect, mistreatment, refusal to release

I went to see him, and, of course, it was absolutely dreadfully shocking to see the his condition and that...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Neglect + Non-emergency ventilation + Perception of malevolence + Refusal to communicate

Cruel and inhumane treatment

Prevented access or communication with...

Well, I'm gonna jump ahead just a moment. After the remdesivir was finished, and Pam got me started on some...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

Mistreatment, refusal to transfer

I can't I don't wanna tell them not to go to a hospital because but I feel that's what they...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Refusal to communicate

Neglect and mistreatment