COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

Connect and Heal: Join Our Support Groups

CHBMP is dedicated to supporting those impacted by COVID-related policies, protocols, and mandates. Our nightly support groups provide a compassionate environment where individuals can share experiences, find solace, and gain strength from community support. Whether you need a place to discuss your journey, seek spiritual comfort, express yourself creatively, or find practical coping strategies, our groups are here to help.

Take the Next Step

If you or someone you know has been adversely affected by COVID-related treatments and protocols, we invite you to register for our support groups. Join us to start your journey towards recovery and empowerment. Learn about our groups below and register to join.


Monday – 7:00pm: Mega Meeting

Join us for updates, introductions, support discussions, and special guest appearances. These meetings tend to be large (approaching a hundred guests) and can run on for several hours. Feel free to pop in and out as per your convenience.

Tuesday – 7:30pm: Catholic Group with Gail

Engage in faith-based discussions and find spiritual solace with fellow Catholics. Guided by Gail, this group offers a space to share experiences, prayers, and support in the context of Catholic beliefs and teachings.

Register to Join Our Support Groups 

We offer a range of support groups to cater to different needs and experiences. Whether you’re seeking a place to share your story, connect with those who understand, or find specialized support in areas like PTSD, spiritual care, or creative expression, our groups are here to welcome you. Participate as much or as little as you like—share your experiences, listen to others, or simply be part of a community that cares.

To join, please take a moment to fill out the form below. This will help us tailor the support session to better meet your needs and ensure everyone finds the right platform to voice their concerns or find solace. Your participation is valuable in helping us build a supportive and understanding community.

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Support Groups
Would you like an opportunity to speak during the meeting?
Were you or a loved one subjected to the FDA Death Protocol including remdesivir?
Were you or a loved one harmed by COVID 'vaccines'?

Who's last name rhymes with 'ouchie' and should be tried for crimes against humanity? Hint: He only resigned from NIH recently

This question is designed to weed out spam bots. Just type Tony's last name, or the acronym for the World Health Organization (depending on the question).