Denial of treatment

They had him on vasodilators, tons of they had him put it this way, when he came out of open...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Neglect + Non-emergency ventilation + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Rapid oxygen increase

Mistreatment and neglect

Tilley the most people don't know, but the ECMO technology is a very risky procedure that actually takes the blood...

Other Commonalities: Isolated even in death + Perception of malevolence

Forced medical experimentation and deprivation...

The director of cardiology at Legacy Emanuel Hospital, who was one of his cardiologists.

Other Commonalities: Isolation of victim + Neglect + Non-emergency ventilation + Palliative care pressure + Perception of malevolence + Removal of communication devices + Unqualified staff

Mistreatment and neglect

Texas was robbed of a, you know, a very a very good man to these protocols.

Other Commonalities: Denied alternative treatments + Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Refusal to communicate

Evidence of malice, incompetence, or...

And I would ask them about what kind of test do you need to run, if you give me remdesivir?...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + DNR pressure or shenanigans + Palliative care pressure + Perception of malevolence + Refusal to communicate

Evidence of malice, incompetence, or...

"to make sure that the science in the next decade, two decades, is firmly anchored to the scientific method, which...

Other Commonalities: Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

Dehumanization, neglect

they need to know if you're still hanging the bags, if you're still given the protocol, you're killing people. And...

Other Commonalities: Denied alternative treatments + Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Refusal of transfer + Refusal to communicate

Isolation from family or support

"And I they somehow convinced me to go in there, and I went in and I just I actually do...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence

Prevented access or communication with...

And, a friend of mine who worked for the hospital system pulled some strings and had my husband's body moved...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim

Evidence of medical kidnapping

Denial of treatment

"I wasn't happy. Like I said it about them not getting him out of bed because anybody knows when it's...

Other Commonalities: Dehydration and starvation + Denied alternative treatments + Denied informed consent + Neglect + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Rapid oxygen increase

Mistreatment, neglect

I know I feel this Blakeman lot of other people, guilt at taking them to the hospital, but we can't....

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing