Mark Ryan Story

Margaret “Peg” Rybas, our beautiful mother, was one of the kindest, fun-loving, adventurous and energetic people you’d ever want to meet. Mom had a great sense of humor. She was such an avid dancer that our family referred to her as our “dancing queen.” She loved to travel and just loved people. Everywhere she went she made friends. She never had a bad thing to say about anyone. Mom was the mother of seven children, a grandmother to fourteen and a great-grandmother to five. She was special to every one of us.
Sadly, Mom was taken from our family, held hostage and tortured by the same people to whom our family had entrusted her medical care. Once our mother was hospitalized, her health steadily declined over a period of 16 days until we were informed that she had passed away. We consider our mother’s death a murder.
Six weeks before our mother’s murder, we buried her sister who had been hospitalized for heart surgery. Mom’s sister survived the surgery, but somehow she ended up on a vent. Our family still has not received an explanation of what happened to her. Then six weeks later, we experienced an eerily identical situation with my mother.
Here is Mom’s tragic story. Her 94-year-old husband was admitted to the VA with Covid on December 16, 2020. After a few days, he was dropped off on the front porch of their home on December 21, 2020 at 8:30pm with numerous oxygen tanks. Mom, who was not feeling well herself, became very upset over this. Mom called the VA the following morning in tears, begging them to take him back. She explained to the VA that she was sick and she couldn’t take care of him and herself. The VA doctor told her to quarantine in their separate bedrooms. Mom was tested for Covid on 12/16/2020 and did not receive the results until 12/21/2020 stating she was positive.
Mom became progressively worse over the next couple days. She called her family doctor on 12/22/20 who prescribed prednisone which did not seem to help. We encouraged her to go to the hospital, but she refused to go until December 26, 2020 at 9:00am. One of my sisters drove Mom to the hospital, but she was not permitted to stay with her. Our mother was admitted with Covid pneumonia and hypoxia.
*Chest xray was negative for pneumonia.
*Never tested for Covid.
Our family began receiving text messages from Mom telling us how sick she was. Since we have such a large family (seven children), we decided to make one person the contact person. Our contact person made several attempts over the next few days to speak to a doctor. She was able to finally speak to a nurse on Saturday, December 26, 2020 in the afternoon. The nurse stated the hospital had Mom on oxygen and fluids. The contact person spoke with a nurse on Sunday, December 27, 2020 and requested that our mother’s doctor call her.
Mom sent a text on Monday, December 28, 2020 which said the following: “No dinner last night asked aide who said I will get you something. I told her I didn’t eat since Saturday. The Aide came back and said the kitchen was closed and walked out. I called the nurse and asked don’t you have food in the refrigerators? She said they do not have refrigerators. I said well check the other floors. The Nurse said I have to ask a supervisor. Came back and said kitchen is closed”. We finally received a call from the doctor Monday, December 28, 2020 in the evening. We asked the doctor which Covid medications were being given to Mom and he replied “none”. We requested monoclonal antibodies and plasma. He told us that they do not use those treatments and that they use Remdesivir. We were under the impression that Remdesivir was the same medication President Trump received. The doctor was instructed to give Mom the Remdesivir. The doctor stated we cannot give it to her because we have to save it for “someone younger”. Further discussions between our contact and the doctor continued and the doctor stated he would have to get permission from the Infectious Disease doctor to administer Remdesivir. The doctor advised our mother that the medicine was experimental and nausea is a side effect. Mom was apprehensive and kept saying she wanted the treatment that Trump had received. She believed that this was the treatment she was receiving. The medication was started that evening after she had already been hospitalized for 3 days.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 a text was received from Mom stating how sick she was and they had her “proning” in a room alone. On Wednesday, December 30, 2020 Mom texted me and said they wanted to know if she wanted to be resuscitated. I told her to tell them yes. She also sent another daughter a text message saying “the doctor told her she is very sick and there is no cure for what she has”.
The family contact had a morning call with the nurse on Thursday, December 31, 2020. The nurse was very rude and told our contact she cannot give her any information. After advising the nurse she was the ONLY contact, the nurse answered her questions. We requested that one of our family members (who was in the medical field) come into the hospital and help with our mother’s care. We were told no. The doctor called at 2:00pm that same day with an update and we asked the doctor to address her nutrition. THE NURSES TOOK THE PHONES OFF THE HOOK FOR THE NEXT 24 HOURS AFTER OUR CALL!
The nurses still had the phones off the hook on Friday, January 1, 2021. Another daughter drove to the hospital to find out what was going on with our mother. The daughter was threatened by hospital security with arrest if she did not leave. The doctor finally telephoned our family in the afternoon. We asked the doctor if we could hire a private nurse. We were told no. We asked if we could transfer our mother. We were again told no. The doctor stated she had been stable for two days. Though our mother was very sick, the doctor said she was pretty spunky and thought she might be hanging in there.
Saturday, January 2, 2021 the respiratory therapist came in to see Mom. The therapist went over potential what ifs (vent) and other issues. Mom FaceTimed one of my sisters and said they told her she was going to die. My sister added me to the call. I saw Mom and heard my sister screaming. The nurse’s station was called and they said it was a misunderstanding. My sister FaceTimed Mom back and was speaking to her when the nurse came in the room and snatched the phone out of Mom’s hand and hung up the phone! Tragically, that was the last time my sister talked to Mom.
On the afternoon of Sunday, January 3, 2021 our family received a call from the doctor who stated that Mom was clinically the same and she was on high dose oxygen and had not deteriorated over the last 3 days.
Monday, January 4, 2021 Mom was still on high dose oxygen while sitting up in bed and eating. Mom FaceTimed my sister at 7:00pm and was talking and laughing.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021(10:30am) The morning call from the nurse said Mom had a rough night and was put on Xanax and Trazadone with oxygen sats above 90%. Mom FaceTimed three of her kids telling them to go to church. She told one of her children that she was going to have a big birthday party when she gets out of the hospital. Her 85th birthday was January 20th. During the evening call from the doctor, he stated that Mom looked better. The doctor sent speech therapy in there and he was planning on getting her out of the bed and into the chair. He said she was very sick but very feisty.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021(10:45am) The nurse stated Mom was still on high flow oxygen and a non-rebreather mask during the morning call. She also got washed up. 1:15pm we received a message for an emergency conference call. The Dr. said Mom had had an ‘’event” earlier in the day and they were moving her to ICU. Ten minutes after Mom was moved to ICU, she posted on her Facebook page “In ICU not good”. No explanation of what the event was. The nurse advised that she may have to go on the ventilator and we would need to make some decisions at this time. We advised the nurse that there would be no ventilator at this time and CPR is to be performed. We requested last rites be performed for Mom and planned a group FaceTime for the next day. The nurse stated Mom wasn’t able to speak and couldn’t participate in that decision. My niece called Mom that same night at 9:00pm and left her a voicemail. Mom called her back and was talking to her.
Later in the evening of the 6th at 11:50pm, the Dr. called and stated he was just going to let her rest overnight. When questioned about the earlier “event” he stated “they see this all the time. Covid patients deteriorate suddenly and rapidly. He just thinks it’s her age, heart.”. He gave no explanation of what the “event” was.
*The event was she took her mask off and desaturated.
Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 11:00am my daughter Face Timed Mom . She answered and we had a five minute conversation. She told me she wanted to stay in the hospital on the BiPap machine and no vent. The doctor stated during the afternoon call(2:10pm) that he took her off the BiPap machine and put her back on the non-rebreather mask. He said he was not planning on the ventilator at that time. He said he would put the BiPap back on if she struggled. We received an evening call from the nurse who stated Mom took her mask off and her numbers dropped. So, they put her back on the BiPap (oxygen sats steady high 90’s) and planned on resting her overnight. He does not believe she aspirated. She is stable. They lowered her steroid dose. She did not eat today. WE DISCOVERED THAT MOM WAS PUT IN RESTRAINTS THAT NIGHT AND THE HOSPITAL FAILED TO NOTIFY OUR FAMILY!
January 8, 2021 Friday morning call the doctor stated that he was concerned about Mom’s inability to eat. She desaturates (drops in blood oxygen level) every time her mask is removed and is not getting enough nutrients to heal. A feeding tube was discussed and the doctor said he would have to talk to the team on MONDAY. He also stated there was a shortage of PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy) feeding tubes. We requested a TPN and they said they were going to consider that. During the evening call from the nurse, she stated they may start TPN tomorrow, but Mom was exhausted and it was hard for her to talk. She is receiving anxiety and pain meds(dilaudid). Though she knew where she was and was communicating with people, we discovered SHE HAD BEEN PLACED IN RESTRAINTS AGAIN!
Saturday, January 9, 2021 (9:25am) Call from the morning nurse she said that Mom was uncomfortable on the BiPap at maximum oxygen, sats are holding and they planned to begin TPN that day. We found that SHE HAD AGAIN BEEN PLACED IN RESTRAINTS!
Sunday, January 10, 2021(9:40am) the pulmonologist called and said Mom was “agitated” overnight. He gave her a “special sedative”(Precedex) that did not decrease her respiratory rate. Pneumomediastinum is improved. She was tolerating her TPN and was calm. We requested to keep going with the Bipap. If necessary, they would put her on the ventilator with a breathing tube.
(10:05am) We received a call from the doctor who stated Mom suddenly desaturated! The doctor asked for permission to go forward with an intubation and was told yes by the family. Our family was under the impression that if we allowed Mom to be placed on the vent, she would have been able to get some rest.
(11:40am) She is intubated and heavily sedated. PLACED IN RESTRAINTS!
(6:50pm) She has been trying to breath over the vent so she has been paralyzed.
Monday, January 11, 2021 at 12:55pm, Mom on same vent settings and same sedation.
(1:39pm) We received a call from the nurse stating:
“Mom had a pneumothorax in her right lung and has developed leaking from the lungs into the soft tissue. The covid pneumonia has worsened. Her lungs are swiss cheese, the air is going right through them”.
Fact: 20% pneumothorax in right lung that could have been treated with a chest tube!
The nurse said we needed to remove Mom from the ventilator and let her go. Two people, my sister and my niece, were permitted to go to the hospital to watch our mother die after they removed her from the ventilator.
She was taken off the vent at 5:03pm and given 2 LITERS of oxygen and was suffering from air hunger. They let her lay there for 1 hour and suffocate to death! They then entered a DNR at 5:53PM she passed away at 5:59PM.
Our family made repeated requests to address our Mom’s nutrition since she was not able to take the mask off long enough to eat. Our repeated requests were ignored during this entire nightmare. Our family called the social worker several times and left many messages, but there was no response from the social worker.
Our beautiful mother and family matriarch, Margaret “Peg” Rybas, literally fought for her life until the very end. The hospital attempted to administer her every medication under the sun, but she fought like hell to live. Mom, like many other Covid victims across the country, was held hostage in isolation for 16 days. She was starved, overdosed, restrained, kept in isolation from family, suffocated and ultimately murdered by the hospital. My beautiful Mother, who had 7 kids, 14 grand kids and 5 great grandkids died in a cold empty hospital room all alone with her murderers!
Our mother was subjected to unjust and similar commonalities shared by many COVID victims who underwent hospitalization on to be killed by EUA protocols.
Commonalities noted in many instances of COVID patient deaths include:
• patients administered Remdesivir despite rejecting or attempting to reject drug
• hospital staff denying alternative treatments claiming they were not protocol
• patient isolation
• patients informing family members of neglect, torture and murder accusations by doctors and nurses
• disparate treatment of unvaccinated patients
• patients experiencing lung complications
• patients denied food, water and bathroom use
• patients physically restrained, medically sedated
• DNI/DNR orders from family manipulated in hospital records
• hospice/palliative care signed releases utilized to manipulate/pressure patient families
• law enforcement and hospital security weaponized against patient family members
• patient hospital transfers prevented, delayed or thwarted
• patients sustaining hospital-acquired infections
• patient hygiene neglected
• patient families denied access to seeing patient’s body after death
• denial of religious support to victim’s families
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.