Mark Ryan Story

My husband was a murder victim at the hospital in Topeka, KS. He was 56 years old, strong and healthy. We refused to get vaxxed, and knew they were killing people.
He had a bad cold, we thought, and it was getting worse, but he kept working on his truck in the garage. He got sick on Christmas day and went to bed. I was caring for him, and he ate that night. He was taking NyQuil, and I got him Gatorade and soup and pudding – all the things that sounded good to him; I just wanted him to stay hydrated.
He had a work ethic like no one else I knew, so he went to work on Tuesday but came home early. I knew he must be really sick, because he would never do that. He went straight to bed. I kept checking on him and making him drink water and taking his temperature. It was just around 99-100 degrees, so I gave him Tylenol. I gave him a COVID-19 test on Wednesday, and he was positive, so I called our doctor right away. They told us just keep fluids in him and don’t go to the hospital, unless his fever reached 103. Well on Jan. 3rd, 2022, I had no choice as I went up to check on him I found him unresponsive, and his nail beds were blue.
At that time, my son and his wife and 3 kids were living with us for a while, so I was trying to get him to wake up. My son heard me, and they both rushed up the stairs. His wife called 911, and my son was trying to wake Darryl up. My son was crying, because they had just lost his wife’s dad in September, who was murdered in a hospital in Tennessee.
The EMTs dragged their feet when they arrived. I was jumping up and down on the porch telling them to hurry, which they didn’t. When they got upstairs, they put an oxygen thing on his finger and said, “Oh, he’s fine; his oxygen is 94%. That was a lie, and they wouldn’t let me go with him or even follow the ambulance.
After fighting with the ER on the phone for hours and telling them I had been taking care of him since Christmas day and was already exposed, they finally agreed to let me come to the ER. They told me that when he arrived his oxygen was 60%, and his temperature was 103 degrees, and his blood sugar was 300. They asked if he was a diabetic and I told them no he was not.
When I arrived to his ER room, he was in restraints and wide eyed, asking me what was going on. He stated, “They won’t tell me anything.” So I had to let him know what was going on. All they would tell him was he was in the hospital.
Then the hospitalist came in and took me into the hall and immediately told me that he only had a 50/50 chance because he had ARDS. Then briefly explained what ARDS was and had me sign some paperwork to treat him. I was now already crying. Then I went back in the room and the hospitalist came in with this supposed great pulmonologist from KU Med, and he acted like the pulmonologist was God. He was all enamored shaking his hand like he was a celebrity, and excitedly introduced him as Dr. Quijano. (t’s pronounced like Keanu Reeves’ first name.)
Anyway, the hospitalist said he came all the way from Lawrence KU Med (20 miles away). This doctor Quijano was horrible to my husband, right away as soon as the hospitalist left the room. The first thing he said to Darryl when he found out he wasn’t vaccinated was, “Well you wouldn’t be in this situation if you would have taken the vaccine and if you weren’t overweight now would you?” I said, “No, no, no sir! You do not vax shame my husband!!” (Through my tears, because the hospitalist had already told me he only had a 50/50 chance). Then he said, “No, I wasn’t trying to vax shame him.” I said, “Yes, you were!” Then he looked away from me and ignored me, and said to Darryl well you have a 50/50 chance of living, but it doesn’t look good, you have ARDS.” Then I said, “Give him Ivermectin!” and he said, “I can’t, because that’s kind of like Tamiflu. It can only be administered if it’s caught early enough.” He said he could give him remdesivir, but I didn’t know at that time that was this drug killing people. I thought it was going to help him.
He said the process would be when his oxygen gets worse, they would put him on a bi-pap mask, and then after that, the only choice was a ventilator. He looked at Darryl and said, “If you get bad enough, do you want me to put you on a ventilator that could damage your esophagus (or something like that)?” Darryl said, “I want to live, so I guess.” Then the doctor said very aggressively and mean and I quote, “So if your heart stops, do you want me to crush your chest and try to bring you back?” Darryl looked at me and then said, Yes, I want to live.”
Then they came in and said they had a bed upstairs in ICU ready for him. I said what’s the room number, I’m just going to step out for a minute and then I’ll be up. They took me in the hall and said, “No, you can’t go up there with him,” and I lost it and started yelling hysterically, “What do you mean? I’ve been taking care of him, I’ve already been exposed!” They said, “Nope, it’s hospital policy. Sorry.”
Then a kind, male nurse came over and prayed with me. They told me I could go back in the room and say goodbye to him quickly. I went back in and kissed him, and told him to say over and over, I will not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord, all while they kept telling me I had to leave now and pulling me out into the hall. They told me another family member that wasn’t exposed could visit him for 30 minutes per day. This made no sense!! The doctor said he would call me later and update me and I went outside and waited for my son to pick me up. That was the last time I would see the love of my life.
When Darryl got up to his room, he was texting me and sent me a selfie. I saved the texts. He even told me the next day, the 4th, when they were going to put the bi-pap mask on him, “It doesn’t look good they are putting on the bipap mask,” he texted. After they did, he sent me another selfie with it on. He was fine and he texted, “I know they sure are pushing to intubate. I saved the texts, I have them. So, then I called the nurse and she said they were not pushing to intubate like Darryl was lying.
But, the next day on the 5th, they did it. They put him on the vent. I just should have taken him home, and he would still be here!!!!!! I didn’t know, I didn’t know, I didn’t know, and the two-year anniversary was yesterday!! I didn’t find out it was remdesivir and the vent killing them until weeks after he was gone; then the guilt set in to an extreme degree. If I had just known, I could have saved him. But, I basically let them kill him by saying they could give him remdesivir. I thought that was one of the medications that was helping. I was so distraught at the hospital, all I could do was think of Ivermectin. So when they said remdesivir, I thought, oh yeah, that’s the other medication that helps. I didn’t know, I just didn’t know.
They let my stepdaughter go up for 30 minutes a day, and she said he didn’t have water, and he was pointing at his throat that he needed water. She would go get the male nurse to get him water, and then the next day, the same thing – no water. She asked the nurse why he didn’t have water, and the nurse was rude to her. I don’t know exactly what he said but I can find out from her.
She also told me they were giving him shots in his stomach when she was up there, but she didn’t tell me that until he was gone. She just thought it was part of the treatment; she didn’t know. I found out it was insulin, and he was not a diabetic.
Wednesday, the doctor called and said, “It didn’t look good,” and he had to put him on the vent. Thursday, they called and said I needed to come and unplug him on Friday. I was consulting with his sister, because she was working in a rehab in Colorado that had people who had come off the vent, but she said they had no quality of life. Most were in wheelchairs, some couldn’t talk, etc., and her brother wouldn’t want to live like that. So his kids and I went Friday to say goodbye. Funny how I could be there for that huh?
They kept pumping him with morphine and other drugs, and he wasn’t dying yet, but it was clear he wasn’t there anymore. After a couple hours I said, “We are not going to do this anymore, we’ll have to come back tomorrow or something.” We were all so distraught and weary. The nurse said, “Well we can’t kill him, (ironic right?) so I’ll call you when he’s closer, and we know that he’s ready to go.”
We went back Saturday morning and spent some time with him. I already knew he was gone because when I had reached out for prayer with a ministry on Thursday 6th, while they were praying, I had a vision of his spirit sitting up out of his body and walking away. I honestly believed that God was just taking him to heaven to give him instructions for our ministry, and then He would wake up. I really thought that, but when I saw him Friday, I knew he was now just a shell. So, Saturday morning we were there with him, crying and holding his hands and then the nurse practitioner, I think she was, said it was time and to step out in the hall while she removed the vent. She said as a warning, when we go back in he will spudder and gasp and could even jump a little, but it’s just the body’s reaction. Well, we went back in and he took one gasp of air and let it out, and that was it. We stood and watched as the gray went up his entire body to the top of his head. Then she took his heart beat and said, “He’s gone.” it didn’t even take 5 minutes. She told us in all the patients she had removed the vent from, none of them ever went this peaceful, she was amazed.
I have a box of records. I ordered them immediately after I heard that remdesivir was the death cocktail along with the vent. I was in total shock, and then I started hearing how the hospitals were getting paid per COVID-19 deaths. I believe it was through Thomas Renz, the lawyer, who’s trying to help people. He said Kansas hospitals got $291K per OVID-19 death!!!! I had heard someone say $33k before that, and then all the stories and the doctor’s that were getting fired started coming out and explaining. One ER doctor I saw interviewed said he had a high school car accident victim that he lost on the operating table, and he got a call from the powers that be who told him he will put it as a COVID-19 death on the death certificate. He left his job after that.
They put Acute Respiratory Failure, COVID-19 pneumonia on Darryl’s death certificate. I looked through the medications they gave him, just in those few, short days I have about an inch of papers that are just the medications. They kept upping the remdesivir, and they were giving him morphine which suppresses the respiratory system. None of it makes sense. I mean, they took the love of my life for money?? I thought I had forgiven them for my sake, but as I write all this the tears and anger are just like it happened yesterday. I hope you can help me and all the other victims.
Thank God that Gail knew not to take that death cocktail and her husband rescued her. I wish I would have known. I saw her with SG on rumble along with Carolyn and Brad. Below it says was the victim allowed to see family, only his daughter for 30 minutes per day.
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.