Timestamp: 00:11:02.394 - 00:11:14.190
About This Clip: Victim expresses anger over the lack of communicat
Excerpt: "I sent a scathing email to the patient services manager due to the lack of communications between the doctors because I was getting no updates from the doctors, no steady updates from the nurses.
Timestamp: 00:38:37.819 - 00:38:45.039
About This Clip: The victim expresses a belief that their loved one
Excerpt: "I mean, like, I've reiterated, you know, my beautiful trusting husband lost his life to hospital protocol.
Timestamp: 00:10:48.490 - 00:11:21.470
About This Clip: Victim discusses discrepancies in what they were t
Excerpt: "And I was like, what are you talking about? I thought he was about to be released. [...] I was really trying to figure out, okay. I thought my husband was doing better, and then I get this comment from that one day nurse.
Timestamp: 00:12:24.184 - 00:12:53.095
About This Clip: Victim denied informed consent regarding ventilati
Excerpt: "Did go back through the medical records yesterday, and it did it says that I gave consent for him to be ventilated, which I did not. The only thing I received was him conscious when they FaceTimed me. I also went back through his medical records for that day on December second of twenty twenty, and he was given morphine and Ativan injections, so I don't even know how coherent he was when they called me notifying me that they were gonna vet him.
Timestamp: 00:37:21.079 - 00:38:08.320
About This Clip: Evidence of dehydration and starvation is present,
Excerpt: "He literally starved him to death... he had lost over twenty five pounds by the time he went into when he was passed away... they were giving him, like, we see this over and over and over withholding of food and liquids.