Timestamp: 00:17:44.055 - 00:18:18.615
About This Clip: The speaker discusses how their loved one was deni
Excerpt: "But the one drug that he should have had, they they fought me and issued three different court orders to keep him from having it. So he took a turn for the worse. Under Doctor. Corey's advice, we did not give the final dose of ivermectin. And then, you know, he died of massive kidney and liver failure, organ failure, but his certificate, his death certificate says COVID nineteen. But he died from massive organ failure brought on by their corrupt, evil, nasty protocols. They killed him.
Timestamp: 00:06:29.545 - 00:06:41.129
About This Clip: Denied alternative treatments: The victim requeste
Excerpt: "I had asked about ivermectin that night, that Saturday night before he was intubated at twelve thirty, one o'clock in the morning. A few hours later, that Saturday night, I asked about ivermectin.
Timestamp: 00:20:32.815 - 00:22:51.785
About This Clip: The speaker discusses the use of ivermectin and ot
Excerpt: "I would have driven to the pharmacy in Paoli, PA. I would have picked up the ivermectin script because I ended up having to do that anyway, but he was already intubated. I never would have taken the hospital...I said, you get them vitamin A, vitamin D3, zinc, vitamin c. You get them ivermectin, get hydroxychloroquine...the doctor said, you are a walking miracle. His parents to this day, they're total they're fine...the man had to go in front and this was at the other hospital in town, WellSpan, at York Hospital. The man had to go in front of a board and defend himself for saving their lives for not following the protocol.
Timestamp: 00:03:02.754 - 00:03:08.915
About This Clip: Victim mentions the low oxygen levels of her husba
Excerpt: "But that right there is telling we didn't know his oxygen level was that low and the man walked in of his own accord.
Timestamp: 00:12:52.580 - 00:13:04.295
About This Clip: Victim discusses being denied medications and spec
Excerpt: "Finally, I had to leave that night. They would not let us administer the ivermectin. So I came back the next day, that was a Sunday, and was finally able to administer the first dose of ivermectin.
Timestamp: 00:12:20.669 - 00:12:36.575
About This Clip: Victim expresses feelings of being wronged and exp
Excerpt: "So this is the It was intimidation, bullying, gaslighting, threatening, harassment. My husband was six feet away, intubated, medically induced coma that they had done to him and they were denying a standing court order...
Timestamp: 00:18:20.789 - 00:18:37.994
About This Clip: The speaker indicates that local people at the hos
Excerpt: "after the story went viral and I was having a standoff about the court orders and they were still fighting us in court and blah blah blah, this is a small town. Local people that work at that hospital were texting me anonymously and saying, watch your husband like a hawk. They're going to kill him. And that's exactly what happened.
Timestamp: 00:08:56.909 - 00:09:34.980
About This Clip: Victim describes a court order aimed to ensure ive
Excerpt: "the judge here in town took four days to deliberate on his decision... he would not make UPMC administer ivermectin, but that a PA licensed doctor or nurse RN shall deliver the ivermectin under the supervision of this Tariq Farag, I believe was the name of the doctor who was an America's frontline doctor.
Timestamp: 00:01:12.494 - 00:02:15.805
About This Clip: Victim describes the deterioration of her husband
Excerpt: "I'm coming up on a year now as of, November tenth of twenty twenty one. We all four of us in our family caught COVID. [...] he had gotten up and was coughing. And he said, hey. Come look at this. And there was this pink stuff in in the sink and I I realized it was blood and it terrified me. And I said, get in the car. We're we're going to the hospital. Worst thing I ever could have done.
Timestamp: 00:01:31.079 - 00:01:43.715
About This Clip: Victim discusses being denied alternative treatmen
Excerpt: "We called, America's frontline doctors. We got ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine scripts. We were told they would come in the mail. Mine did come in the mail eventually. His did not.
Timestamp: 00:08:18.954 - 00:08:32.899
About This Clip: Victim expresses frustration about how the legal s
Excerpt: "I heard about this lawyer, Ralph Lorigo, out of, Buffalo, and he was taking cases like this where ivermectin and and, you know, but inexpensive effective treatments were being denied.
Timestamp: 00:19:16.099 - 00:19:42.059
About This Clip: The speaker expresses a feeling of being manipulat
Excerpt: "I mean I mean I'd never we we've never been in the hospital before. I mean, I gave birth to my older son or adopted, so I was only in the hospital. You know? So I didn't really know anything about it. And what I noticed was this absolute authority, the hospital doesn't seem to care at all for patients' rights or patients' choice, all about what the hospital wants.
Timestamp: 00:11:07.965 - 00:12:32.514
About This Clip: Victim describes intimidation, gaslighting, and de
Excerpt: "He called me directly to try and gaslight me. The director of I think it's the VP of medical affairs. His name is doctor Mike Spangler. He called me, spoke to me on the phone, gaslighted me, lied to me...each time, by the way, they sent in an ICU nurse, a guy who his brother happens to be my neighbor...So this is the It was intimidation, bullying, gaslighting, threatening, harassment. My husband was six feet away, intubated, medically induced coma.
Timestamp: 00:06:42.310 - 00:08:04.089
About This Clip: Victim discusses being denied alternative treatmen
Excerpt: "the nurse practitioner said, we don't allow that. You know, he's like, it's just it's not on the it's not on the approved treatment list. But I was never given a paper. I was never consulted with a doctor. Nothing... this is our official treatment for COVID nineteen... at the bottom, it said, you know, basically, they didn't allow ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine. They didn't allow vitamin infusions.