Timestamp: 00:58:41.755 - 00:59:10.094
About This Clip: The victim states that a doctor believes his vacci
Excerpt: "my doctor thinks that the shot one of my doctors thinks that the shot gave me Guillain Barre or something like that... so he's got a spinal attack lined up to verify it and, some nerve conductor tests coming up.
Timestamp: 00:56:37.650 - 00:57:30.135
About This Clip: The victim mentions experiencing an injury that th
Excerpt: "And then they get injured, and they don't get compensation for it. And now now everything's been everything's been ruined... And guess what? They cover every vaccine except for the COVID vaccine, and that's where you can actually get compensated.
Timestamp: 00:59:20.414 - 00:59:24.859
About This Clip: The victim mentions using ivermectin, indicating a
Excerpt: "but I'm also doing what I can with my ivermectin doctor.