Timestamp: 00:25:51.615 - 00:28:53.519
About This Clip: The victim describes being pressured by a doctor t
Excerpt: "So the next day, he decided to bring the X rays into my room. And so he bring comes in with the machine with the X rays, and he says, I want you to look at your lungs. I want you to see how bad they are. So you know that what I'm telling you, you need to be vented. I wouldn't even look at them. I said I was so mad at him. I said, you know what? You need to get out of my room. Get out. I said, if you can't come in here and give me hope, then get out of my room. I said, I've got nothing but hope inside me. I've got hope. I've got people all over the world praying for me, and you're gonna come in here and and lay this down on me. I said, get out. And he get up and walked out. ... And he tried to get my son to sign for me to get on a ventilator. My son refused.
Timestamp: 00:32:25.224 - 00:35:25.114
About This Clip: The section discusses the intimidation Darlene fac
Excerpt: "the doctor comes in one day. He says, well, it looks like we're not gonna have to vent you because he kept trying to intimidate me and talking about this damn ventilator. And I'm like, what do you what's it gonna take for you to understand I'm not going on the ventilator?... they said you have to understand we don't have a voice here. And we see what's going on, but we don't have a voice.
Timestamp: 00:09:37.575 - 00:09:56.300
About This Clip: The victim shows confusion and lack of understandi
Excerpt: "So they came back later and said, you have COVID pneumonia. And I'm like, what's that? What do you mean COVID pneumonia? Because I have not heard one thing on mainstream media. I have not heard one thing on social media, and COVID is everywhere.
Timestamp: 00:20:42.514 - 00:20:49.529
About This Clip: The victim describes an overwhelming sense of bein
Excerpt: "And, I just had a Johnny on. No diaper. But I I couldn't always make it.
Timestamp: 00:11:02.215 - 00:11:07.115
About This Clip: Evidence of isolation, neglect, and lack of basic
Excerpt: "I was isolated. I was left alone. No food. No water.
Timestamp: 00:17:10.345 - 00:18:05.705
About This Clip: Evidence of dehydration and starvation is present,
Excerpt: "And, because they wouldn't give me anything to eat or drink. And finally, when they realize I think when they realize that I was not going to allow myself to be ventilated, they, they ended up transferring me to a room in the hospital where I was left alone again, left alone, but then they started bringing me food. They started bringing me food and water. But several days had passed. Several days had passed. But by by that time, I couldn't even eat. It was very difficult for me to eat. I was very, dehydrated. I was very thirsty. I wanted cold water, and I might eat, like, a jello or pudding, but I couldn't eat a meal. I couldn't eat a meal. I tried, but I wasn't very hungry.
Timestamp: 00:13:36.669 - 00:14:00.360
About This Clip: The victim expresses apprehension about being plac
Excerpt: "And what I noticed, because it was a glass door... And when they brought me in there, I could see all the vented patients. Everybody on that floor was vented. And I went, okay. That's not happening to me.
Timestamp: 00:20:09.444 - 00:20:34.340
About This Clip: The victim describes being forced to use a device
Excerpt: "And no one would help me... I didn't want to poop and pee the bed.
Timestamp: 00:08:11.110 - 00:08:38.894
About This Clip: Evidence of denial of bathroom use and forced cath
Excerpt: "they're not telling me why. So and then comes the BiPAP. They come in with this BiPAP machine, and they're forcing this hot oxygen down my throat. I couldn't even keep my mouth closed. It was so forceful. And I just surrendered. I just my body just surrendered. I needed to trust that they were there to help me.
Timestamp: 00:25:07.759 - 00:25:16.339
About This Clip: Description of feeling mistreated by a specific do
Excerpt: "I meet the doctor who's going to be attending to me. ... he was an awful, awful man.
Timestamp: 00:11:12.070 - 00:11:23.049
About This Clip: The victim expresses gratitude for receiving basic
Excerpt: "I begged her, please, can't you just give me some ice chips? And she said, I'll and she did. I think she felt bad for me, and she brought me some ice ice chips, and I was grateful.
Timestamp: 00:12:53.965 - 00:13:10.600
About This Clip: The victim describes a lack of access to medical r
Excerpt: "No. I don't have them. Well, I requested them through my primary care physician here in Massachusetts. He got my medical records, but it's it's just a superficial... it's not complete. I don't have everything.
Timestamp: 00:09:02.019 - 00:09:23.069
About This Clip: The victim describes feeling helpless and physical
Excerpt: "Well, at that point, now they bring in, I don't know, they bring in maybe three people or something, and they are physically holding me down. And I'm I'm even though I was very weak, I started fighting them. I started fighting them, and I said, do not put that thing up my nose. And I fought them, but they held me down, and they get that thing up my nose.
Timestamp: 00:11:34.304 - 00:11:49.139
About This Clip: Denial of basic needs, as well as the victim descr
Excerpt: "And it was tiny. It was, like, size of a walk in closet, a small walk in closet. And, no one talking to me. I totally isolated.
Timestamp: 00:12:37.470 - 00:12:48.384
About This Clip: The victim feels a lack of communication and suppo
Excerpt: "But by that point in time, they've got me hooked up to an IV. Now I can't move my legs. Now I can't move my arms.