Timestamp: 00:06:43.139 - 00:06:46.895
About This Clip: The victim notes her mother's deterioration after
Excerpt: "And then, of course, things just went downhill from there.
Timestamp: 00:10:18.830 - 00:10:29.649
About This Clip: The victim discusses the traumatic death of her mo
Excerpt: "I do not want this to happen to anyone else ever again. This should not be allowed to happen, and that's why I'm here today.
Timestamp: 00:05:38.339 - 00:05:57.884
About This Clip: The victim expresses how she believed her mother w
Excerpt: "So for the first couple of days, she was fine. I even talked to her floor nurse, and the floor nurse said, you know, she's talking on her phone. She's texting people who are really sick can't do that. And so we had no there was no thought in my mind that my mother would not be coming home.
Timestamp: 00:08:48.384 - 00:09:06.870
About This Clip: The victim discusses being denied alternative trea
Excerpt: "We did ask the doctor about that twice, you know, saying, at this point, what does it matter? Let's try try anything. And both times, it was dismissed. They said it didn't work. And, you know, it those requests were dismissed categorically.
Timestamp: 00:24:16.934 - 00:25:06.130
About This Clip: Victim advocates for the presence of family during
Excerpt: "So I would love for it to get to the point where something like this where isolating a patient just would never happen, and that there would always be the opportunity, even if you couldn't sit in the room with them, that you could be in a chair right outside their room...but they shouldn't be family should at least be allowed in the hospital. So because it is very hard to advocate for yourself when you are when you don't feel well and when you're scared.
Timestamp: 00:20:32.195 - 00:20:46.610
About This Clip: Pleas For Help: The mention of the family's failur
Excerpt: "So in talking with mom, she if she was aware of any of that, she did not let us know. So they started remdesivir very early in her in her stay.
Timestamp: 00:20:32.195 - 00:21:38.369
About This Clip: Denied informed consent: The victim discusses that
Excerpt: "So in talking with mom, she if she was aware of any of that, she did not let us know. So they started remdesivir very early in her stay...it doesn't appear that they discussed the side effects with her.
Timestamp: 00:22:14.000 - 00:23:13.535
About This Clip: Victim mentions being put on remdesivir despite el
Excerpt: "When my mother went in, her very initial labs showed, that her kidney function, it was one of them came back slightly elevated, and they still put her on remdesivir. She should have been that should have made her not a candidate for that medication right off the bat, and they still put her on the medication. Within twenty four hours of being on remdesivir, my mother's hemoglobin went from ten to six point six. She did have internal bleeding. And even they knew that remdesivir was related to internal bleeding because in the documentation, they put that they were going to continue remdesivir because they didn't think that the internal bleeding was related to that medication.
Timestamp: 00:13:19.290 - 00:13:21.389
About This Clip: Britney expresses the absurdity of withholding app
Excerpt: "And refused to treat them appropriately?
Timestamp: 00:17:03.370 - 00:17:40.605
About This Clip: Victim mentions a living will that specifically st
Excerpt: "My mother did have a living will and did not want to be prolonged on life support. ... she specifically stated in her living will that she did not want food or hydration withheld from her. ... that informed our decision to take her off of life support, because of her living well. They didn't.
Timestamp: 00:12:15.654 - 00:12:20.740
About This Clip: Britney indicates that her mother was labeled as u
Excerpt: "in bold letters, it says that she's unvaccinated against COVID nineteen.
Timestamp: 00:20:54.244 - 00:21:16.539
About This Clip: Pervasive sense of wrongdoing: The victim expresse
Excerpt: "it does not go into any detail over...there's no specific documentation that says where they talked about the side effects, that they discussed that with her.
Timestamp: 00:06:23.854 - 00:06:54.654
About This Clip: The victim discusses how her mother was treated in
Excerpt: "When she had been in there, I think about three days, she started to to get worse. They I think the first day she was given remdesivir, it was within the first forty eight hours of her being admitted to the hospital. And then, of course, things just went downhill from there. She became critical. She went on to high flow oxygen, went on to the BiPAP.
Timestamp: 00:20:12.650 - 00:20:31.255
About This Clip: Emotionally impactful moments relating to hospital
Excerpt: "they would've the family, I'm thinking in in particular or your mom, do you know if they if they talked about...the fact that it was an, emergency use authorization drug or any of the extreme side effects of this drug?
Timestamp: 00:09:57.419 - 00:10:06.480
About This Clip: The victim expresses a realization that her mother
Excerpt: "And in some cases, it looks as if the poor care was intentional. And that's a hard realization to come to.
Timestamp: 00:13:51.000 - 00:14:06.039
About This Clip: Discussion of inappropriate and potentially harmfu
Excerpt: "they vented her just, like, overnight... there wasn't any, like, forewarning or, communication.
Timestamp: 00:07:06.129 - 00:07:17.774
About This Clip: The victim recounts the drastic change in her moth
Excerpt: "the next morning, we get a call from, the doctor, and he said that mom had been vented overnight, that her that her oxygen level had gone down into the seventies.
Timestamp: 00:12:32.294 - 00:12:43.434
About This Clip: Discussion of the doctor's comments implying that
Excerpt: "he mentioned about that that you wouldn't be having that conversation if she had gotten the vaccine.
Timestamp: 00:11:21.669 - 00:11:27.769
About This Clip: Evidence of dehumanization as Britney describes he
Excerpt: "And so my mother's humanity was weighed against the value of PPE, and she was found wanting.