COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

Shannon Marie McDonald- the aftermath Transcript


Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:15:06.389 - 00:16:01.129

About This Clip: The victim discusses being denied alternative trea

Excerpt: "the first thing they did, they said, okay. You got COVID. You get to get remdesivir. It is the protocol. They gave her five days of Remdesivir and low dose steroids. And but they told me I said, I didn't know much about remdesivir so much at that particular time, but I knew about ivermectin. I had heard stories. I had seen it work. And I just had told when I went into the hospital, do not give her remdesivir. Give her ivermectin. I said remdesivir. They had approved it knowing it didn't work, and what it did to people, it stops the kidneys from function. First thing happens is renal failure, liver problems, heart problems.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:31:23.759 - 00:31:33.220

About This Clip: The victim discusses denial of knowledge regarding

Excerpt: "No. She did not. None of us did at that particular time. We did not know what it did. We didn't know much about it at the time.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:17:11.394 - 00:17:16.214

About This Clip: Victim was not allowed to see the patient, creatin

Excerpt: "I was not allowed to see her, so I could not comfort her at that moment.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:31:45.125 - 00:32:06.035

About This Clip: The victim expresses a clear concern about the use

Excerpt: "Don't be treated with remdesivir, for god's sake. Stay away from it. ... it's a man made stuff in remdesivir that crystalizes your lungs, shuts your kidneys down, and it will affect your heart.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:17:22.515 - 00:17:35.410

About This Clip: Victim expresses anger and frustration about the s

Excerpt: "I asked to see her, and I told them if they didn't let me see her at that time, I was going to tear the hospital apart brick by brick, and I was gonna go put it on her desk. And I meant it. I was mad.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:30:40.339 - 00:30:42.440

About This Clip: The victim believes that remdesivir caused the dea

Excerpt: "I believe they killed her.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:16:49.914 - 00:19:08.305

About This Clip: Victim was denied alternative treatments including

Excerpt: "They literally lied to me and told me that they used ivermectin with her. Well, I was a little smarter than that. After everything was said and done, I went and got her medical records. She was never given ivermectin. She got five doses of Remdesivir... they hadn't used nothing on her lungs to loosen the phlegm, pneumonia, whatever in her lungs... all they do is leave me here and feed me this... she wasn't getting enough nutrients.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:16:29.399 - 00:16:46.575

About This Clip: Describes the methodical dehumanization of the vic

Excerpt: "If you went in and you was on Medicare, they needed the money in the government. So if they could get rid of you that was using Medicare, they needed it for other people. You was just a number. You was not a person.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:15:37.889 - 00:15:56.345

About This Clip: The victim describes a lack of informed consent re

Excerpt: "I just had told when I went into the hospital, do not give her remdesivir. Give her ivermectin. I said remdesivir. They had approved it knowing it didn't work, and what it did to people, it stops the kidneys from function.