Timestamp: 00:03:51.580 - 00:04:00.294
About This Clip: The victim expresses anger about being uninformed
Excerpt: "He was on, fentanyl, which really deeply made me angry after I found out. I never was told about that.
Timestamp: 00:06:52.725 - 00:07:05.339
About This Clip: The victim describes feeling a sense of dread and
Excerpt: "When I got to the door, they opened the door, they put us in suits, which I thought was ridiculous because I couldn't suit up to see him alive, but I could see him now that he was gone.
Timestamp: 00:06:20.745 - 00:06:27.964
About This Clip: The victim notes her husband's declining condition
Excerpt: "I just talked to him. What what happened between Thursday and, you know, now I was in shock.