Timestamp: 00:07:52.375 - 00:08:17.055
About This Clip: The participant discusses a perceived increase in
Excerpt: "But I've had more than one doctor tell me that they're seeing a major, major increase in memory and neurological issues from the COVID vaccine and the COVID shot. Now they won't say that quickly. They're they're acknowledging it to They're they're trusting me not to reveal my sources, and I won't reveal those sources because I don't want them to lose their jobs.
Timestamp: 00:16:44.355 - 00:16:54.559
About This Clip: The discussion includes a reference to the overwhe
Excerpt: "And it's it is very, very hard because you're overwhelmed, with all the doctors and all the things they tell you and what they wanna do and and no answers.
Timestamp: 00:15:25.789 - 00:15:46.625
About This Clip: The participant discusses how her husband's condit
Excerpt: "And then I took him to the hospital just because his o two saturation was getting low, and I thought they were gonna give him oxygen, and they gave him the whole Remdesivir hospital protocol. And he started deteriorating, and, you know, he was gone, like, in, you know, twenty four days. You know? And I knew something was wrong, and everything that they would give him was counter counterintuitive to help him.
Timestamp: 00:15:47.084 - 00:16:06.919
About This Clip: The participant expresses anger and frustration ab
Excerpt: "You know? So these are the things that we are educating ourselves about. You know? We're trying to fight for our loved ones. We're trying to get, like, people like you guys and get Michael's voice heard. Get you guys put it, you know, with the support group, you know, to be able to try to piggyback what the what the conventional doctors and medical community are trying to tell you.
Timestamp: 00:16:27.019 - 00:16:31.820
About This Clip: The participant reflects on her husband's abilitie
Excerpt: "And he should be able to be enjoying retirement now and not going through this.