Timestamp: 00:10:46.090 - 00:10:52.404
About This Clip: Denial of informed consent. The speaker discusses
Excerpt: "But I guess because I was just not lucid enough. You know? They didn't really ever explain that to me.
Timestamp: 00:09:20.340 - 00:09:27.644
About This Clip: Vaccination discrimination. The speaker notes that
Excerpt: "the ER doctor seemed kind of frustrated with me, because I was very vocal about, you know, I don't want remdesivir.
Timestamp: 00:23:11.044 - 00:23:38.494
About This Clip: Victim discusses denied alternative treatments, sp
Excerpt: "And he wanted to admit her, and he said, you know, we're gonna treat you with with I think she asked him, are you gonna treat me with remdesivir? Because she felt the same way I did. Mhmm. And then, yes. We are. And she said, well, then, you know, I I don't wanna be treated with that. And he said, well, then you're we're all we can do is send you home with oxygen if you're not gonna let us treat you with that.
Timestamp: 00:11:18.105 - 00:11:27.245
About This Clip: Pleas For Help. The speaker demonstrates a lack of
Excerpt: "you know, none of that. And, so, they seemed a little frustrated with me about that.
Timestamp: 00:11:50.945 - 00:11:53.764
About This Clip: Denied bathroom use. The speaker mentions they wer
Excerpt: "I had to use a potty chair. They wouldn't let me go to the bathroom.
Timestamp: 00:11:24.345 - 00:11:27.245
About This Clip: Pervasive sense of wrongdoing. The speaker describ
Excerpt: "they seemed a little frustrated with me about that.