COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

Nancy A Baginski Story Transcript


Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:17:48.450 - 00:17:56.950

About This Clip: The victim believes their mother would not have ag

Excerpt: "She she would never have would never have agreed. I'm I'm quite sure if they ever asked her about something down her throat, a hundred percent, she would not have done it.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:07:43.279 - 00:07:47.379

About This Clip: Victim indicates a lack of information regarding t

Excerpt: "So from that point forward, we could not see her. So from that point forward, we have very little information about what actually happened.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:39:18.079 - 00:40:24.335

About This Clip: Denied alternative treatments: The speaker mention

Excerpt: "I think it was DARPA. There was a DARPA memo that was released last year late last year, and it was from, April, I think, end of April of twenty twenty where they knew that remdesivir killed fifty four percent of the patients and that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and budesonide, had a high highly effective rate for treatment...I find it beyond disgusting that the medical community at large ignored what they had to know.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:37:14.054 - 00:37:24.069

About This Clip: Emotional impact and reflection on care received:

Excerpt: "I just feel like they did not, take any special efforts...if they took any special effort, it was in the wrong direction.

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Timestamp: 00:16:46.985 - 00:16:59.019

About This Clip: The victim discusses their mother's DNR status and

Excerpt: "one of the nurses said to my sister, your mother is DNR. And my sister went ape, you know, she went ape. She's like, well, who told you that? And they said, my mother did.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:39:01.055 - 00:39:13.300

About This Clip: Pervasive sense of wrongdoing: The speaker express

Excerpt: "I cannot I unfortunately, now after the fact, I cannot believe that they didn't know or have more than just a reasonable, guess that what they were doing was gonna be wrong.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:09:22.039 - 00:09:34.139

About This Clip: Victim expresses a lack of knowledge regarding tre

Excerpt: "Because we'll have to assume that she had COVID or I assume she had COVID on, you know, the eighteenth of July, you know, week and a half before she even made, you know, cross the border into the ER.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:25:49.100 - 00:25:59.820

About This Clip: The victim recounts a conversation with the pulmon

Excerpt: "So we do. We have a Zoom meeting with him on Thursday, and, literally, the first words out of his mouth, well, your mother's dying.

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Timestamp: 00:25:28.619 - 00:25:38.674

About This Clip: The victim expresses confusion and disbelief at th

Excerpt: "And what I mean, I don't understand how we can go from her saying, at least I'm not getting any worse on Monday, and, by Wednesday, she's at death's door.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:20:57.234 - 00:21:26.394

About This Clip: The victim expresses a belief that putting her mot

Excerpt: "Well, the next day, and I'm gonna just say this because this is my my belief, new nurse comes on. I I don't care for this nurse at all. I don't know her yet. I don't know her yet. I can say this now after the fact. She comes on. She was the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nurse. And so all I know is is my understanding that that's the day my mother went on this machine, this mask. And what I have subsequently read leads me to believe that that is what sealed her fate. Would she have survived? I really don't know.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:38:55.695 - 00:38:59.635

About This Clip: Lying or Dishonesty: The speaker expresses disbeli

Excerpt: "Don't tell me they didn't know that what they were doing was gonna be wrong. I cannot I unfortunately, now after the fact, I cannot believe that they didn't know or have more than just a reasonable, guess that what they were doing was gonna be wrong.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:19:02.085 - 00:19:38.610

About This Clip: The victim recounts a revealing conversation with

Excerpt: "the nurse was very nice very nice. And she there was nothing about our conversation that caused me any bit of alarm. She's like, oh, yeah. Her oxygen, you know, sometimes when she moves around... But there was nothing about the tone of voice... that caused me any alarm.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:08:24.514 - 00:09:12.225

About This Clip: Victim discusses receiving remdesivir and question

Excerpt: "What I can tell you after the fact is that on the Friday, July, whatever, Friday, twenty eighth, twenty thirtieth, that's when she got remdesivir, which, of course, wouldn't have seemed, you know, I I don't know what the treatment protocols are... what I believe I know, again, mostly after the fact, with my mother is she presumably had already had COVID for a week and a half before they before she even walked in their door.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:22:31.009 - 00:23:06.419

About This Clip: The victim mentions the administration of remdesiv

Excerpt: "They're saying, you know, ask if she's got ask if your mom has gotten any monoclonal antibodies, ask if she's gotten remdesivir. So only then, and this is now Wednesday after, you know, a full week now after my mother's been admitted. She's the one that got me the information that said she was administered remdesivir on seven thirty and something that appear Actemra monoclonal antibody. She was administered late. Yeah. Yeah. She was administered that on, August second. All of that was probably way too late, way too little, completely useless as far as I know now.