COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

My Wife, and Dear Mother Linda Died Due to the Hospital Protocol and Abuse Transcript


Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:11:37.075 - 00:11:42.855

About This Clip: Evidence of abuse or neglect; the victim describes

Excerpt: "she said, basically, they didn't let me use the restroom, and they were withholding fluids from me. They weren't letting me drink.

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Timestamp: 00:05:28.300 - 00:05:33.014

About This Clip: The victim reflects on the policy preventing unvac

Excerpt: "That was something that the governor did and it was in effect at that time.

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Timestamp: 00:19:11.095 - 00:19:31.644

About This Clip: There is pressure and manipulation in the doctor's

Excerpt: "the the attending doctor, literally, the first thing he said when they got in there, if you don't go on ventilator, you're gonna die. ... I'm sitting there and praying with her.

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Timestamp: 00:06:14.060 - 00:06:22.240

About This Clip: The victim mentions the general feeling of being u

Excerpt: "And he said, well, I'll check with the pharmacy, but I don't think we're gonna be able to get that. Of course, I never heard anything back about that.

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Timestamp: 00:19:59.714 - 00:20:50.690

About This Clip: Vaccination discrimination is evident as the atten

Excerpt: "And he said it in a tone that was, like, I told you so. She wouldn't be here if she was vaccinated. See. ... that was unprofessional for you to say such a thing. First of all, knowing that we're in this dire situation, his job is to comfort, not discriminate.

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Timestamp: 00:05:34.834 - 00:06:22.240

About This Clip: The victim discusses being denied alternative trea

Excerpt: "I did talk to the doctor. I recommended high dose intravenous vitamin c ten thousand milligrams plus based research that I had done and others who had recovered using those treatments. That, well, I'll check with the pharmacy, but I don't think we can get that amount. And I said, well, how much are you giving her? And he said, we're giving her a thousand milli orally. And I said, that's child's play... Of course, I never heard anything back about that.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:09:21.605 - 00:09:42.914

About This Clip: Emotionally impactful moments relating to hospital

Excerpt: "Well, I was telling the doctors that I was talking to... I do why I did that is because I was trying to reach the doctor's hearts.

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Timestamp: 00:10:02.620 - 00:10:18.414

About This Clip: Victim believes they or their loved one were harme

Excerpt: "...she seemed to be doing stable pretty much until about... September sixth... I'm feeling better. My my taste and my smell is coming back...

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Timestamp: 00:25:21.059 - 00:28:59.775

About This Clip: Victim states or feels like hospital staff is tort

Excerpt: "My daughter though, having a difficult time. She, you know, she she actually cleared out the hallway and she literally said to me, dad, I don't like I don't like what I see going on in here. She said blue lights were going on. Nurses were ignoring people in their rooms. She just said there was an overall feeling in there that something wasn't right... and I understand that they have their own way of dealing with grief. I get that. But I know from conversation the last conversation that was said to my daughter, it was a lot of it was as they felt she wasn't vaccinated as to why she died... and it's not like I told her she can't. It was her decision. And then, her father just passed away in the end of May from massive strokes, but we believe it was from the constant vaccination.

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Timestamp: 00:09:25.100 - 00:09:56.879

About This Clip: Gaslighting: The family was consistently told that

Excerpt: "I always started out my conversation with, this is my wife, the love of my life. We need to do everything possible to make her well and to bring her home to me... as things started to deteriorate, I began to say that to the doctors because I knew things were going downhill.

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Timestamp: 00:08:16.514 - 00:08:37.570

About This Clip: Denied alternative treatments: The victim repeated

Excerpt: "So, nonetheless, I didn't hear anything back, but I did on another occasion, twice, I spoke with doctors about that, same results. You know, nothing. Nothing came of it. So they didn't flat out say, we're not gonna do it. They just said, I don't think we can do this. I don't think we can do that, and they never got back to me.