COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

My Cousin and Best Friend was Murdered Transcript


Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:03:21.459 - 00:03:26.094

About This Clip: Isolation of victim. The victim was alone in the h

Excerpt: "Nobody was allowed to be there with her or whatever. So she was there by herself.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:18:03.525 - 00:18:56.650

About This Clip: Discussed torture and harm caused by the administr

Excerpt: "So he received one dose of the remdesivir... They basically tortured him because he refused any further doses of the remdesivir, which then caused him, like, sinus issues. And because they bed sores because they wouldn't let him up, move around, they shoved the, you know, the oxygen up his nose at full force, which then, you know, destroyed his sinuses.

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Timestamp: 00:19:06.034 - 00:19:24.170

About This Clip: Victim expresses strong emotions relating to their

Excerpt: "this doesn't it's not just about my cousin... but it's also now because of my aunt and uncle who are, you know, mentally now declining because of the death of their sister.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:18:40.065 - 00:18:48.730

About This Clip: Describes harm caused by the hospital's treatment

Excerpt: "which then caused him, like, sinus issues. And because they bed sores because they wouldn't let him up, move around.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:34:15.150 - 00:34:34.054

About This Clip: Reference to the use of remdesivir as a treatment

Excerpt: "I just mainly the remdesivir, the the, you know, the fact that the hospital push it was pushing, you know, the remdesivir, the vent, the DNR, you know, putting her just...

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Timestamp: 00:05:26.814 - 00:05:38.330

About This Clip: Pleas For Help. The victim attempted to communicat

Excerpt: "And I had called her phone. It was on voice mail. I had text her quite a few times. I told her, you know, to please call me because I needed to know what was going on with her. I knew she was there by herself.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:24:00.000 - 00:25:31.049

About This Clip: Victim discusses the denial of treatment options l

Excerpt: "And as soon as we found out he was in the hospital, he had die you know, he has diabetes. He has, he has medical issues. We were able to talk to her because we knew as soon as he went to the hospital that this is the protocol that they were gonna start on him. And they really tried to force the issue, and she stood her ground... but there's still so many people that don't realize that everything that is happening or at least did happen, I'm not even sure if they're still doing hospital protocols now, that, it it was a genocidal agenda. And a lot of people were murdered. A lot of people a lot of innocent people were murdered and mistreated and basically, you know, euthanized without anyone fighting for them.

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Timestamp: 00:20:06.144 - 00:20:10.484

About This Clip: The victim expresses a belief that the medical sys

Excerpt: "that they would purposely kill their their aunts.

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Timestamp: 00:03:53.019 - 00:03:58.294

About This Clip: Vaccination discrimination. The victim faced hosti

Excerpt: "And then they were extremely angry with her because she refused remdesivir.

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Timestamp: 00:08:54.110 - 00:09:27.220

About This Clip: The victim discusses how medical staff coerced her

Excerpt: "And here I found out that they coerced her by going over her head and talking to her husband, getting him to coerce her into the remdesivir. Yes. They went over Sue. They went over Sue's head, and talked her husband into talking into talking Sue into finally taking the remdesivir.

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Timestamp: 00:22:56.170 - 00:23:11.545

About This Clip: Victim expresses the belief that their loved one w

Excerpt: "that, you know, their mother was murdered, it's hard. It's hard for us to have a relationship with them because know what we know and they either won't accept it or they just haven't it just hasn't hit them yet.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:11:56.355 - 00:12:40.860

About This Clip: The section discusses how the hospital staff went

Excerpt: "So they went over her head and talked to her husband, Andy, and got him to either, authorize the remdesivir... that they had started her on remdesivir. ... I know that that they had started her on remdesivir ... the protocol the remdesivir and the protocol that was being done in the hospital was killing people. ... that she had critical oxygen levels, that she needed to be put on the vent, and that Sue was refusing to be put on the vent. So they went over her head, called him. He got he gave the authorization... she had enough energy ... to fight the staff, the nurses, the doctors, and whomever else was trying to put the vent.

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Timestamp: 00:22:41.134 - 00:22:44.275

About This Clip: The victim explicitly states that 'she was murdere

Excerpt: "that they haven't really acknowledged the fact that she was murdered.

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Timestamp: 00:26:25.320 - 00:26:44.625

About This Clip: Victim mentions their acquaintance, a nurse who wa

Excerpt: "And she worked at a peds office and she got COVID and they took her into the hospital, and within twenty four hours, she was dead. I don't know the specifics about that other than she refused the remdesivir, and they knew she was not vaxxed.

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Timestamp: 00:04:00.114 - 00:04:57.985

About This Clip: Denied alternative treatments. The victim was pres

Excerpt: "And so they made her wait in the emergency room, for a bed for almost twenty four hours… she was still on board with no remdesivir and, you know, she was just angry and frustrated because she had been sitting in the emergency room for twenty four hours. And, finally, they gave they said they had a bed, but because they were pushing remdesivir and the vax, actually, both at the same time, she said the only way she would wait any longer for bed is if they transferred her to Holy Cross Hospital…

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Timestamp: 00:34:34.434 - 00:35:02.655

About This Clip: Evidence of being pressured to sign a DNR (Do Not

Excerpt: "knowing that they put her on the vent for, you know, close to thirty days. They maxed out her insurance on purpose, and then basically forced her husband to sign the DNR. Gave him hope that, you know, there was a possibility for her to come off the vent. And then when her insurance, you know, ran out, they basically pushed pushed him into signing her death warrant. And they knew what they were doing.

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Timestamp: 00:27:16.309 - 00:27:27.450

About This Clip: Victim discusses a neighbor who was pressured into

Excerpt: "He was pressured into getting the vaxx from his family, from his parents, and then also from his job. And I begged him not to. I gave him all the information, printed everything out.

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Timestamp: 00:13:54.945 - 00:16:01.889

About This Clip: The speaker discusses signing a Do Not Resuscitate

Excerpt: "They finally coerced her husband, Andy, to sign the do not resuscitate... my guess, my distinction, my there's no doubt no doubt in my mind that they helped her along. Once he signed that DNR and her insurance was was can or had run out, there's no doubt in my mind that they helped her pass... I had mentioned before that this doesn't just... you know, Sue was murdered.