Timestamp: 00:12:12.759 - 00:12:27.605
About This Clip: Victim discusses lack of informed consent regardin
Excerpt: "I inform people if they wanna use remdesivir. This is what it does. I don't think you should just give something without somebody's consent or knowledge of what it is.
Timestamp: 00:04:20.919 - 00:04:38.705
About This Clip: Denied alternative treatments. The victim's family
Excerpt: "I found out. I don't even remember how I found out he was getting remdesivir, and I freaked out. You know, and begged for ivermectin or anything else. Why not? What's it matter? You know, why can't I do it?
Timestamp: 00:10:56.259 - 00:11:05.894
About This Clip: Victim describes feeling monitored and restricted
Excerpt: "And they stood out there and watched us like hawks. You know? Don't take your mask off. Don't do this.
Timestamp: 00:08:27.129 - 00:08:49.000
About This Clip: Pleas For Help. The victim's family was continuous
Excerpt: "I'd call and check up on him. Everything was just progressively getting worse. You know? He was ended up in liver failure, renal failure, same as what ivermectin does or remdesivir does. Begged every day.
Timestamp: 00:07:04.439 - 00:07:27.555
About This Clip: Isolation of victim. The victim was not allowed to
Excerpt: "Nobody was allowed to see him. I would call every day at ten in the morning to try to get information. There are times I couldn't get anybody. I went to the hospital because I tried calling, patient advocate for days during this whole time. Nobody ever got back with me. Nobody answered.
Timestamp: 00:12:53.084 - 00:13:05.100
About This Clip: Victim shares that her husband was a good person a
Excerpt: "He was the most honest man, which probably wasn't good to some people. Very honest, very loving, and made you laugh.
Timestamp: 00:11:15.189 - 00:11:23.370
About This Clip: Victim expresses anger about not fighting harder f
Excerpt: "I'm I'm really angry, and I'm really angry at myself that I didn't fight any harder for him.
Timestamp: 00:11:31.004 - 00:11:35.504
About This Clip: Victim reflects on feeling a pervasive sense of wr
Excerpt: "You tried to advocate for him, and and you just kept running into roadblocks.
Timestamp: 00:08:49.699 - 00:08:53.720
About This Clip: Emotionally impactful moments relating to hospital
Excerpt: "We got a video chat couple days in a row.
Timestamp: 00:08:03.509 - 00:08:14.634
About This Clip: Refusal to communicate. The family was unable to g
Excerpt: "Nobody oh, ivermectin won't work. It's just there was no care.