Timestamp: 00:05:30.425 - 00:06:19.790
About This Clip: Evidence of Vax-Injury and Denied Informed Consent
Excerpt: "And so, you know, I've tried to tell people I would've you know, with the shots when my mom and my aunt were in the assisted living, they called and said, well, don't you wanna give them a COVID shot? I said, do not touch them. Mm-mm. I don't care if I have to come get them, but do no COVID for them. And they were like, whatever. I said, I don't care who's getting it. They're not getting it. They probably are would already been gone if they gave her the COVID vaccine. But, anyway, so I wasn't about, you know, to let that happen. And I've you know, the caregiver took care of her sometimes, but she knew about our wishes about the COVID, as far as, you know, they knew not to touch her with it. So, you know, they they basically killed her and didn't care.
Timestamp: 00:09:10.759 - 00:09:23.434
About This Clip: Denial of alternative treatments. The mention that
Excerpt: "That hospital stated straight up that they did not give remdesivir. Uh-huh. And I told the nurse, I said, because it will kill you. And not with her words, but with her head. She shook her head yes.
Timestamp: 00:01:49.534 - 00:02:19.055
About This Clip: Victim discusses being harmed by remdesivir and ex
Excerpt: "And they said, well, she's already on her second round or something. They said remdesivir. And I started screaming at Lane. I was crying. I said, you just killed her. I said, you diagnosed her in September of twenty two with acute kidney disease. I said, protocol for that drug states that you're supposed to test liver and kidney function. I said, first of all, she had dementia, so she could not have told you it was okay to do it. Nobody was telling you to do it, but you did it anyway.
Timestamp: 00:07:48.620 - 00:07:59.194
About This Clip: Denied informed consent. This segment reflects a f
Excerpt: "And I was I was I was not nice. I was screaming top of my lungs. Yeah. Yeah. I I just couldn't even yeah. I couldn't even believe it.
Timestamp: 00:06:46.439 - 00:07:11.399
About This Clip: Denied informed consent. The segment describes a s
Excerpt: "So they didn't get consent from her or and they didn't get consent from your sister who had medical power of attorney? Right. She had the flu. So then so they didn't get consent. So then that means that they also did not, explain to anybody the, risk and risk versus benefits of the of the drug. Correct. They didn't they didn't explain it was an emergency use authorization medication. It's not approved by the VA. No. So none of that. Nobody got any of that information. They just pumped it full.
Timestamp: 00:02:30.090 - 00:02:33.185
About This Clip: Victim expresses concerns about the harm done to h
Excerpt: "And, you know, what do you do?
Timestamp: 00:07:59.654 - 00:08:18.125
About This Clip: Vaccination discrimination. The testimony implies
Excerpt: "So, you know, what do you do? What are you supposed to do? Well, we're not supposed to have to make those choices. They're not supposed to do that to our family members. No. They're not. They're supposed they're not supposed to do that. We're supposed to be able to trust them to take care of our family members and get them well. Right. Makes you not ever wanna go to the doctor again.