COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

Leonard and Adrienne’s Story Transcript


Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:01:35.900 - 00:01:59.799

About This Clip: Victim expresses concern about the treatment her h

Excerpt: "He collapsed in our bathroom. And my son came, and they called the ambulance, and they took him to Jefferson. My son had to follow them. And when they got there, he wasn't even able to go into the emergency room with him, and I was not allowed to go either.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:02:08.194 - 00:02:58.500

About This Clip: Victim discusses denial of communication with fami

Excerpt: "And I was told by an infectious doctor, I think, the next day that they were putting him on I would say redesivir and whatever the other cocktail was. And that was the only call I got in the whole week that my husband was in the hospital. He died December second. K. Third. I'm sorry. December third. And, anyway, I got I received no phone calls from any other doctor the whole time he was there. And then you asked every day. Even though I asked every day. And then I about the second or third day, I was told by a nurse that my family had to stop calling because they were they were getting too many calls on him.