Timestamp: 00:45:29.550 - 00:47:27.500
About This Clip: The victim's loved one expresses anger about the w
Excerpt: "Every single page of his freaking medical record says unvaccinated, almost literally at the top... Kevin answers, yeah. I have, like, you know, two or three drinks a week... The next paragraph down in the doctor's notes, excessive alcoholic... So he got worse while he was at Matt Sue in a coma... they started asking me. And I said, no. He doesn't need antidepressants.
Timestamp: 00:32:03.369 - 00:32:24.109
About This Clip: Pervasive sense of wrongdoing. The speaker mention
Excerpt: "his whole right leg is bruised... and she videos that. And then that's it. Yeah. I don't I don't know. I don't know about what that means either. But how did he get a bruise?
Timestamp: 00:22:26.210 - 00:22:36.950
About This Clip: Victim discusses coercion and manipulation regardi
Excerpt: "They told me that wasn't needed because he was making all his own decisions, and he was fine. He was sitting up and chatting with them nine hours a day.
Timestamp: 00:43:07.030 - 00:43:14.869
About This Clip: Victim discusses the administration of ivermectin
Excerpt: "the ivermectin and and a couple of angels, and a lot of prayer got us got us got us out of there.
Timestamp: 00:43:44.074 - 00:43:50.014
About This Clip: Victim expresses feelings of manipulation and coer
Excerpt: "And their their statement was, well, you're gonna be gone. You're gonna you're gonna be dead by tomorrow night unless we do the trick.
Timestamp: 00:06:10.894 - 00:06:17.235
About This Clip: Victim describes feeling isolated and mentions not
Excerpt: "They wouldn’t let him come in and check me out. They wouldn’t let him come in and do anything. We had to do things over the phone, and quite frankly, we had to do it behind their back.
Timestamp: 00:52:35.840 - 00:53:11.190
About This Clip: The speaker indicates a belief that the hospital s
Excerpt: "The first two months at Mat Su Regional, it was obvious that they were basically planning to move me into the dead category, you know, whether it's on purpose or whether they admit it or not is what they were doing. When we got into saying Elias, it appeared to be that they were going to milk the cow. You know? So we got you here. You live through all the crap. Matt Sue threw at you, but we're gonna keep you here and incrementally, expose you to rehab and keep you here as long as possible. And then the bills, you know, the financial incentives are are just as great doing that.
Timestamp: 00:28:55.775 - 00:29:14.309
About This Clip: Denial of bathroom use. Forced onto a catheter and
Excerpt: "He was still in bed. He wasn't able to move or anything like that, but somehow the conversation came up that he was good enough to get his catheter out now, which they had put in way back when he was on floor too. You know, like like, fourth day in, they put a catheter in, which was right I know the the start of okay.
Timestamp: 00:30:41.924 - 00:30:54.184
About This Clip: Awareness of neglect and mistreatment. The speaker
Excerpt: "I was the leper. I was the bully... They took I could have no contact with him, no FaceTime anymore.
Timestamp: 00:44:43.704 - 00:44:49.085
About This Clip: Evidence of dehumanization and neglect of the vict
Excerpt: "the nurses came over and pulled the sheet up over my head. You know, basically like we're going to the morgue.
Timestamp: 00:21:50.744 - 00:22:09.390
About This Clip: Victim discusses denied alternative treatments, sp
Excerpt: "So I got the guardianship. We and you just to to a point, we city administered the ivermectin through my pudding directly in violation of the hospital orders. My personal physician prescribed it, and he acquired it, and and he snuck it into the hospital, Jimmy.
Timestamp: 00:05:16.084 - 00:05:29.969
About This Clip: Victim mentions denial of informed consent regardi
Excerpt: "the DNIs, everything for that, the experimental emergency use authorization for the drugs, which they noted in their in in their documentation that I had authorized. I didn’t have the facilities mentally to do that at all.
Timestamp: 00:30:16.595 - 00:31:00.369
About This Clip: Isolation of victim and refusal of communication.
Excerpt: "Thirty six hours later, I still have not seen my husband. Oh, except for one gasping FaceTime after the trach when they said he was doing okay. I got a a minute FaceTime, and he was just gasping. Like, he was horrible... I could talk to the doctor for five minutes a day when he called me. No nurses would talk to me.
Timestamp: 00:31:01.809 - 00:31:09.589
About This Clip: Evidence of lack of accountability and transparenc
Excerpt: "the hospital administrator is telling me I was put in in basically jail, that I could not know anything about my husband anymore.
Timestamp: 00:32:52.769 - 00:34:19.400
About This Clip: The speaker discusses a constant push for vaccinat
Excerpt: "So besides the constant, at this point now, real constant push for vaccination, whether it be from the physical therapist, the doctors, you know, I put said put it on the chart. He's not getting vaccinated. ... So I don't know. But it's on the chart that he got it. So whatever. Someone's lying there. So that's about the time I started the ivermectin with Kevin. ... the whole swallow study thing was constant. You couldn't swallow. They damaged his, like he said, his throat. So started the ivermectin.
Timestamp: 00:06:57.970 - 00:09:53.980
About This Clip: Denial of bathroom use. Forced onto a catheter and
Excerpt: "They had declared me brain dead... If and if she hadn't hadn't done that, this we'd be having a different conversation today... my wife and my family were locked out and couldn't see, couldn't couldn't communicate with me for, at that point, you know, several days... they were publishing articles and published an article from Cindy about me being held hostage.
Timestamp: 00:43:51.034 - 00:44:03.059
About This Clip: Discussion of pressure and manipulation by medical
Excerpt: "the kind of pressure that that they put on without having an advocate there, without having somebody else to look at and waiting on what's going on. They had basically total control of the information coming to you.
Timestamp: 00:19:27.215 - 00:19:52.085
About This Clip: Denied alternative treatments. The speaker discuss
Excerpt: "I'd asked him for ivermectin from doctor Waltz, the first guy that was on floor two of the COVID floor. He said, oh, no. He's that would just hurt him. He's in such dire straits now. That will cause liver damage and kidney failure. Hydroxychloroquine? Oh, no. That would...