Timestamp: 00:10:01.915 - 00:10:26.585
About This Clip: The discussion of comfort care being pushed by the
Excerpt: "They get a, referral bonus. Like, if somebody dies in a hospital and they were not on comfort care, that's a lot of lost money for the the hospitals. ... They push very hard for Comfort Care, which has become not Comfort Care. It's it's really become euthanasia is what it's become.
Timestamp: 00:05:28.845 - 00:05:34.225
About This Clip: Victim's loved one experienced a serious decline i
Excerpt: "next thing you know, it almost seemed out of the blue, he went into full renal failure.
Timestamp: 00:06:54.639 - 00:09:24.730
About This Clip: The victim discusses being pressured into comfort
Excerpt: "I mean, against our wishes, he kept saying it was not our choice. It was his choice and what was in the best interest of the patient. ... we refuse the comfort care. Like, you are not doing this.
Timestamp: 00:05:57.735 - 00:06:08.870
About This Clip: Victim discusses remdesivir and implies it contrib
Excerpt: "all of this started on his fifth day of being on remdesivir when he was actually improving prior and had no reason to have any of these other things.
Timestamp: 00:05:04.735 - 00:05:16.660
About This Clip: Victim expresses that the lungs were clearing but
Excerpt: "they found blood clotting from his foot, from his left right all the way up to his belly button. And because of that, his leg was starting to die.
Timestamp: 00:09:26.195 - 00:09:37.014
About This Clip: The speaker mentions that a week after their loved
Excerpt: "A week after my dad passed, my mom received a, a card in the mail, apologizing for her loss from the comfort care team.
Timestamp: 00:04:20.250 - 00:04:28.975
About This Clip: Victim indicates that he felt manipulated into all
Excerpt: "when they're telling us, you know, if you don't do this now, he's gonna die, we allow them to intubate him.
Timestamp: 00:04:30.875 - 00:04:43.500
About This Clip: Victim details medical staff communicating a false
Excerpt: "Later on that evening, we are informed by a nurse that his lungs did not need a ventilator, that he was really just put on it to calm him down.
Timestamp: 00:16:12.920 - 00:16:32.214
About This Clip: Evidence of vaccine injury and manipulation. The v
Excerpt: "Hospital protocol. The medications they were giving him to supposedly treat the COVID, because he was doing just fine with COVID. He was he was getting along, I mean, making it. And then just within days of receiving remdesivir, he was in full organ failure.