Timestamp: 00:04:54.629 - 00:05:12.064
About This Clip: The victim mentions being pressured to sign a Do N
Excerpt: "My daughter-in-law they did talk my daughter-in-law into signing DNR at one point. We did not know that for a few days. And, so we got the DNR, most of the DNR taken away except chest compressions because they told us they could not do chest compressions as long as he was on a ventilator.
Timestamp: 00:16:10.904 - 00:16:17.565
About This Clip: The victim clearly expresses a strong warning agai
Excerpt: "Don't use remdesivir. Warn everyone that you know. Everyone that you knew, do not take remdesivir.
Timestamp: 00:15:12.950 - 00:15:37.419
About This Clip: The victim discusses being pressured by a doctor t
Excerpt: "The doctor tried to get him to start remdesivir. We said absolutely not. He was in there five days. Our hospitalist agreed with us. He didn't need it. And, after the fifth day, he was just released hominoxigen, so he survived without remdesivir. ... So remdesivir does not have to be used does not have to be used.
Timestamp: 00:06:01.245 - 00:06:17.529
About This Clip: The victim discusses the harmful effects of remdes
Excerpt: "We did not know that remdesivir was harmful. We didn't know any of that until he was I think probably just when he passed away is when we're finding out that it was a bad bad drug. We had no idea. So we weren't fighting the hospital because we did not know.
Timestamp: 00:12:48.169 - 00:13:29.375
About This Clip: The victim expresses a pervasive sense of wrongdoi
Excerpt: "I just know I'll never step foot in the hospital again as a patient or anyone else that I know of. I would take there. Never. Not after everyone else that we know that was in there, they've all passed away too. There was people coding all the time when he was in there. I called the hospital a death camp. I heard that I've heard that from other people, other, you know, hospitals that were killing COVID patients for death counts because that's what they were intending to do.