COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

I Guess I Have No Choice But The Hospital Transcript


Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:52:01.699 - 00:52:23.094

About This Clip: Misrepresentation or Falsification of Medical Reco

Excerpt: "But it all these different doctors that I see on these paperworks and everybody okaying everybody else, I'm sure it's gotta be very confusing because there's even a time where, the the records say I was argumentative with somebody that's in palliative care nursing.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:45:41.739 - 00:45:48.400

About This Clip: Misrepresentation or Falsification of Medical Reco

Excerpt: "And I see on doctor Patel's comments that we would not allow him to put a PICC line in.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:54:13.674 - 00:55:02.110

About This Clip: Denied informed consent - The victim's husband did

Excerpt: "But I know I know, Patty, that when Terry signed a POA at the hospital, he did not understand. And that's one of the things that I wrote down. Nobody read that document to him. On page twelve of the hospital's POA, it says the patient can cancel this document in any way or at any time he wants to. I really believe on one twelve when Matt Lucabile was in that room, and my husband said, I don't ever want that man in my room again. And, no, I didn't sign anything other than documents for my wife to be able to get information about me. I believe that that date and that time he canceled that POA.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:43:21.920 - 00:43:28.500

About This Clip: Denied alternative treatments: The victim describe

Excerpt: "And when they told me not to take it because it wasn't COVID protocol, I did it anyway. I think that's why I lived.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:43:38.304 - 00:43:44.980

About This Clip: Refusal to communicate: The victim's need for some

Excerpt: "I need a nurse to read my or I need somebody to read the medical records that are smarter than I am about it.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:51:25.815 - 00:51:47.664

About This Clip: Palliative care pressure; Victim describes pressur

Excerpt: "the nurse that was in their palliative cares was like Vanna White, and she was saying, look at this. This is his potassium level. Oh, that's another thing. they said the wife argued that she wanted the potassium to be treated for the husband, and that conversation never occurred with me.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:44:27.945 - 00:44:32.264

About This Clip: Perception of malevolence: The victim's daughter e

Excerpt: "And so my daughter, I can still hear you yelling, no. We don't need to die.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:49:36.855 - 00:50:04.644

About This Clip: Denied informed consent; Victim discusses discrepa

Excerpt: "But the issue was, Pat, that I did not know he was given any of these drugs. And I don't know that anybody did because my oldest daughter said her daughter, the nurse, was not being told anything because she was a hospital employee. I know my daughter that's youngest that's home with me was not given any information at all on the drugs he was taking.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:20:55.940 - 00:21:21.065

About This Clip: The victim discusses discrepancies in medical reco

Excerpt: "I also see on one seventeen on page three forty seven of his hospital documents that, a doctor named horn doctor Kevin Hornbeck, the DO at nine thirty one AM, wrote that I have seen the patient this AM with his BiPAP.