Timestamp: 00:05:19.915 - 00:05:30.735
About This Clip: Victim describes the distress of her husband regar
Excerpt: "He had been calling me at one thirty every night since he had been in the ICU just scared to death saying, I don't think I'm gonna make it out of here. I think I'm gonna die here.
Timestamp: 00:06:10.100 - 00:06:25.154
About This Clip: Victim mentions that she was not informed about th
Excerpt: "They had forgotten to tell me during that time period since I couldn't visit. They were allowing Zoom calls, but nobody told me about that until really about the time that they wanted to refer me to palliative care.
Timestamp: 00:04:05.284 - 00:04:32.035
About This Clip: Victim discusses being pressured to agree to the u
Excerpt: "They told me if I did not agree to the possibility of him going on a ventilator, then they would just take him out of ICU and put him in an on another floor. And I didn't I didn't feel like he was gonna get much care on the other floor. So, I did agree to that, in the case that he should need it.
Timestamp: 00:06:00.259 - 00:06:07.160
About This Clip: Victim discusses a lack of communication and being
Excerpt: "I really didn't have any contact with them then. I didn't have them not to make phone calls even though I was still waking up at one thirty every night.
Timestamp: 00:08:50.740 - 00:09:10.625
About This Clip: The victim describes being pressured to sign a DNR
Excerpt: "They they said they wanted me to do a DNR on him, and I didn't wanna do that. But they they said that that would be the best thing. They they just said that was part somewhat of the protocol going on palliative care. So I did agree to that, but it was reluctantly.
Timestamp: 00:09:13.804 - 00:09:39.235
About This Clip: The victim discusses being pressured to discontinu
Excerpt: "They were pressuring me to discontinue the life support. And at one point, this the nurse practitioner said, well, have you all talked about, you know, end of life care and that kind of thing? And I said, well, yes. I said, we have advanced directives and living wills and all that. I said, but that we did those prior to COVID.