Timestamp: 00:10:51.029 - 00:11:29.019
About This Clip: Evidence of dehydration and starvation is present,
Excerpt: "was that, you know, I'm thirsty. And I keep asking them for water, and they won't give it to me. ... I don't believe they gave him food either. I don't think he had any food or any water while he was there.
Timestamp: 00:12:16.759 - 00:12:50.429
About This Clip: The victim describes a significant moment where th
Excerpt: "So we had first said we didn't want him to be on a ventilator ... By day three, they, they were telling us he needed to be ventilated.
Timestamp: 00:13:58.889 - 00:14:04.110
About This Clip: The victim believes that their loved one's unconsc
Excerpt: "I thought it was unresponsive because of COVID, but it wasn't. It was medications.
Timestamp: 00:07:09.410 - 00:08:52.634
About This Clip: The victim experienced contempt and hatred from ho
Excerpt: "And as soon as they learned that we were not jabbed, they just treated me with such contempt. I just saw pure hatred, literally hatred coming out of their their not their eyes. The doctor and the nurse, they tried to ask me what had happened, but that hatred was just so massive. ... I said, I want him to have high doses of vitamin c intravenously. ... And the doctor just looked at me and he goes, no. We're gonna do what works. They ordered me out of the hospital because I wasn't vaccinated.
Timestamp: 00:15:48.370 - 00:15:58.709
About This Clip: Victim begged for ivermectin treatment that was re
Excerpt: "And I I begged her repeatedly to let him have his ivermectin. I told her I'd sign anything. I begged. I begged, and I cried, and she just kept refusing.
Timestamp: 00:16:54.610 - 00:17:04.195
About This Clip: The victim reflects on the circumstances of her hu
Excerpt: "It was five days after he was brought there and denied the treatments I wanted for him and denied his monoclonal antibody appointment.
Timestamp: 00:12:00.815 - 00:12:05.715
About This Clip: The victim expresses being denied medications, spe
Excerpt: "all I get I kept saying is I want him to have a Xyrememex, and they repeatedly refused to let him have it.
Timestamp: 00:17:47.380 - 00:17:55.079
About This Clip: The victim's emotional expression of having experi
Excerpt: "It was it was just pure hatred. I I just I've never seen such scathing hatred.