COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

Douglas Mellema Transcript


Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:18:59.215 - 00:19:03.315

About This Clip: Victim expresses a belief that their loved one was

Excerpt: "I believe that my husband was basically starved.

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Timestamp: 00:15:01.845 - 00:17:26.009

About This Clip: Victim was denied informed consent regarding medic

Excerpt: "I don't know how we got to talk to whoever we talked to, that we tried BiPAP, and they did it... And you're asking someone who hasn't seen their husband in days and doesn't know what's going on, and you don't wanna let go. And she's like, do we have your permission or not? And I said, I wanna talk to his doctor first. I wanna know what's going on... And we later found out that people were standing, like, right there, ready to do it, like, right then, knowing that the hospital would receive a large sum of money because they did that.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:24:08.450 - 00:24:15.349

About This Clip: The victim's identity is reduced to a statistic or

Excerpt: "He was just somebody who could make them more money because they got a lot.

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Timestamp: 00:19:04.975 - 00:20:20.144

About This Clip: Evidence of neglect and maltreatment, including in

Excerpt: "and was not adequately hydrated, was given dextrose for food, which already makes, like, an acidotic situation even worse... they said they were gonna try to kind of roll him or turn him, which is supposed to help, like, the lungs and things. And they said we kept asking them, did they do it? And they said no because they didn't have enough people, and he was too big.

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Timestamp: 00:20:25.965 - 00:20:54.335

About This Clip: Reference to hospital-acquired infection likely re

Excerpt: "He also, according to his records, as I looked up all the medications and paralytics and sedatives and everything that they were giving him, that he got hospital borne infection. That is typically from intubation or catheterization.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:21:08.954 - 00:22:26.490

About This Clip: The isolation experienced by the victim is describ

Excerpt: "The isolation was torture for him and for me, for his family... he was left in the air alone to suffer horribly.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:18:14.424 - 00:18:48.859

About This Clip: Victim discusses harmful effects of remdesivir, in

Excerpt: "because his kidneys were failing from multiple doses of remdesivir... the nephrologist said you need to discontinue the remdesivir, and his answer was no.