Timestamp: 00:10:13.855 - 00:10:18.195
About This Clip: Victim's requests regarding remdesivir were ignore
Excerpt: "Did you tell them every day no remdesivir and they kept giving it to them? Every day.
Timestamp: 00:05:01.654 - 00:05:11.754
About This Clip: Victim discusses how they believe the treatment ha
Excerpt: "But after about four or five days of him not having his dementia medication and having the remdesivir, I could start seeing that my dad's heart was deteriorating.
Timestamp: 00:08:54.384 - 00:09:24.774
About This Clip: Victim denied informed consent regarding receiving
Excerpt: "And I didn't ask y'all or tell y'all anything about it to get consent? ... They should have consulted the family since it is an experimental drug. They're just not doing that with anybody. They're not telling them any of the side effects or that it's under an EUA or that it's not approved.
Timestamp: 00:09:48.684 - 00:09:57.910
About This Clip: Victim requested alternative treatments (ivermecti
Excerpt: "And she asked me what to put in place, and, of course, I said, ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine approved medication. And she said, well, we can't do that.
Timestamp: 00:10:07.169 - 00:10:10.549
About This Clip: Victim expresses frustration with hospital's proto
Excerpt: "Her hospital protocol is killing people, though. Lots of it's so frustrating.
Timestamp: 00:10:45.254 - 00:11:00.019
About This Clip: Family was frustrated by the lack of documentation
Excerpt: "They probably Not for four days. ... But she had asked them three three other times, I guess, before that, and they didn't document that.
Timestamp: 00:04:23.529 - 00:04:46.310
About This Clip: Victim was refused medications, specifically remde
Excerpt: "So I assumed at that time, she did that. So the following day when I went in, I asked the staff on duty that was there. I said, did my dad have that removed? And they looked on his chart, and nothing had been done yet. This went on for four days. So my dad had four days of remdesivir.
Timestamp: 00:07:46.454 - 00:07:59.435
About This Clip: Victim believes their loved one was harmed by hosp
Excerpt: "And remdesivir is notorious for shutting down your kidneys and causing heart problems. And they knew he had heart problems because it was the same Premier Hospital, and the both hospitals he was in was under Premier.