COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal ㅤ Memory Project

Deana Smith’s Story Transcript


Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:32:49.670 - 00:33:27.445

About This Clip: Discussion of the dying procedure being conducted

Excerpt: "They took him off the oxygen and off some kind of an artificial machine that he we asked for a priest, and the priest was there. And she gave him it was a very odd procedure. It looked like, an animal being euthanized. They got shots of lots of high doses of morphine, basically. And they just stuck that in his IV. Was it that was that was it. I held his hand, and I I put my head to his face because I didn't want him to be alone.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:20:58.244 - 00:21:42.369

About This Clip: Evidence of neglect and starvation, specifically c

Excerpt: "They didn't give him anything for nutrition. They said that they had to stop giving him anything because he would their their fear was that he would panic. Aspirate? [...] They starved him of anything. He had nothing. There's no fluid going to him. No food. Nothing. [...] I mean, they They withheld food and water from him. Yes. Absolutely. How many days? [...] I would say at least five, six that I know of.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:22:40.509 - 00:22:45.950

About This Clip: Evidence of neglect and lack of basic care, includ

Excerpt: "he had to lay in his own stuff for hours, and nobody answers him or does anything.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:09:12.329 - 00:09:22.024

About This Clip: Neglect; Victim experienced a severe drop in oxyge

Excerpt: "His pulse ox dropped to, like, the eighties, then it went down to the seventies. And it was really scaring me because the oxygen tank wouldn't work.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:19:38.765 - 00:20:05.240

About This Clip: The family perceived a lack of proper care, indica

Excerpt: "I brushed his hair. I got dry shampoo. I washed his entire body, which was filled with blood, all over him. He'd been poked and prodded. It looked like he was just left for dead in there. [...] I'm like, it's a stain. I said it's pretty disgusting.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:39:31.764 - 00:39:59.664

About This Clip: Victim discusses the practices of the hospital and

Excerpt: "And they they basically knew he was dead from the moment he got there... if you're on Medicaid, you're getting, I think, thirty thousand. So yeah. So there is a price tag on him when he went in, and he wasn't vaxxed. So I am disgusted.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:11:22.445 - 00:11:45.295

About This Clip: Isolation of victim; Victim is denied any access t

Excerpt: "So we weren't allowed to see him for twenty one days since they diagnosed him. And so from that time, they basically, told me that he didn't wanna talk to us, and I begged the nurses. No one called us. We had calling them, it was like you were calling and annoying the hell out of someone. And they're like, look. We can have one person call a day.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:26:18.000 - 00:28:54.375

About This Clip: The speaker describes being denied alternative tre

Excerpt: "I begged for those antibodies for my dad and from the beginning... we don't do ivermectin. It's for horses. ... they basically starved him... So they gave him nutrition for, like, two days, and then for some reason, they decided to give him a feeding tube... He was really upset about the tube going in, and then the nurse put it in wrong... if you don't put this nutrition in your nose, you're gonna die... the nurses were talking to him constantly that he was dying, and then he started shutting down.

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Timestamp: 00:04:43.250 - 00:04:46.550

About This Clip: Victim mentions trying to get ivermectin for her f

Excerpt: "I asked if he could get that. They said no. Of course.

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Timestamp: 00:07:39.775 - 00:08:04.245

About This Clip: Denied alternative treatments; Victim mentions rem

Excerpt: "Just finished his fifth day of remdesivir and had no oxygen. So he's coming home. He is coughing. They gave him codeine cough syrup. That's it. I begged for an antibiotic because part of my protocol was to be proactive and take, a Z Pak or something so it didn't go to my lungs. And I really wanted that for him, and they said no.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:17:48.434 - 00:18:03.740

About This Clip: This segment provides evidence of neglect and lack

Excerpt: "It's disgusting. It's dirty, unsanitary. There's blood in the sink. There's urine and feces in the toilet bowl, unfleshed. The garbage cans are overflowing. No one changed them.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:34:01.255 - 00:34:11.360

About This Clip: Victim expresses emotional impact regarding the lo

Excerpt: "And then my entire world was gone, and and it still is. My dad was everything to me.

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Timestamp: 00:34:44.469 - 00:34:47.775

About This Clip: Victim expresses feeling that their loved one was

Excerpt: "I don't feel that he was treated properly.

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Timestamp: 00:10:01.549 - 00:10:12.269

About This Clip: Emotional impact; Victim's condition worsened sign

Excerpt: "He is he looks like a different person. He's in bed. He's not eating. He won't watch TV. He's like, I I I just feel terrible. He can't stop coughing. He has a fever now.

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Timestamp: 00:22:53.664 - 00:22:56.244

About This Clip: Evidence of gaslighting and psychological abuse fr

Excerpt: "Every single person that was there told him he was dying.

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Timestamp: 00:25:12.855 - 00:25:19.115

About This Clip: Evidence of inadequate care and neglect regarding

Excerpt: "And the disgusting thing they did, they wanted to have him, do breathing treatment. They never cleaned it.

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Timestamp: 00:47:47.644 - 00:47:59.809

About This Clip: Victim states or feels like hospital staff is tort

Excerpt: "the way he left his earth and my last message from him was get me the hell out of here. I'm gonna die in here. They're killing me. Do your job. Get me out. I'm begging.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:12:26.960 - 00:14:22.774

About This Clip: Neglect; Victim experienced a lack of basic care,

Excerpt: "He said, you know, he's really sick. I found him today, and he had corroded in his mouth. Bad. He said it took me an hour to clean it out... He said I did his hair.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:48:16.125 - 00:48:22.545

About This Clip: Victim believes they or their loved one were harme

Excerpt: "And I could disappointed him. And they turned him against me and my family. It's it's evil.

Clip Details

Timestamp: 00:06:19.415 - 00:06:25.194

About This Clip: Victim expresses anger and regret about the hospit

Excerpt: "And this is where it gets bad because I I wish I just kept him home.