Timestamp: 00:00:29.550 - 00:02:52.939
About This Clip: Victim discusses being pressured to get the vaccin
Excerpt: "So in twenty twenty one, I received the Johnson and Johnson shot in I think I believe it was April the ninth, and, I was mandated by my job to get it... Did they ask you to sign a waiver? ... They did. And a matter of fact, in the beginning, I didn't know it was a Johnson and Johnson shot because it said Jensen, and I had no idea Jensen was J and J. So, and I found out afterwards, after I took the shot and then signed the waiver after that.
Timestamp: 00:02:53.319 - 00:02:55.740
About This Clip: Victim mentions being given a waiver after receivi
Excerpt: "So they didn't have us sign it before. It was after.
Timestamp: 00:05:51.529 - 00:06:24.229
About This Clip: Victim discusses job loss in connection with vacci
Excerpt: "I was laid off within a couple months after that, and, yeah, I think June. So I got that in April, so in June I was laid off. They wouldn't expect me to get laid off. And then I got another job, and then that job is the one that mandated me to have the booster, and then they let eleven of us go, within three or four months after that. And then I got another job after that, and then I got terminated from that one because of my health because I couldn't keep up with my job anymore.
Timestamp: 00:13:31.420 - 00:13:39.759
About This Clip: The victim discusses how they view the actions tak
Excerpt: "Because Can I what they've done to us is not only criminal, but immoral? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They Crimes against humanity.
Timestamp: 00:00:50.954 - 00:01:56.530
About This Clip: Victim explains how she began experiencing health
Excerpt: "So once I received it, I would say probably within about a month after that I started experiencing fatigue and chronic insomnia... in November of twenty one, I was mandated to get the booster... within two weeks after getting the Pfizer booster, I started having my hair started falling out.
Timestamp: 00:05:10.334 - 00:05:33.004
About This Clip: Victim reveals that doctors are afraid to discuss
Excerpt: "I think part of the problem is, one, that the doctors are being forced to be silent. I've had conversations with several doctors that state that, yes, we're told we don't talk about it or we'll lose our license at our jobs. And there's other ones that are willfully ignorant or willfully don't want to even touch it or talk about it. They explain it away.
Timestamp: 00:03:20.979 - 00:04:18.930
About This Clip: Victim discusses vaccine injuries and the subseque
Excerpt: "Tremors, memory, fog, you know, brain fog, fatigue, more fatigue than the normal that I was having before. I got to a point where I couldn't stay awake, found that literally I have narcolepsy now. Blood clots and bleeding, tinnitus in both of my ears. I have dysautonomia, Parkinson's disease now, EBV, which is Epstein Barr virus, and I've never had mono in my life, Sleep apnea. There's so many things I've lost count of all the things that are going on, and they just keep they keep coming. The latest one is my face breaking out with rashes all over, so that was the latest one.
Timestamp: 00:04:33.854 - 00:04:52.279
About This Clip: Victim expresses frustration regarding the challen
Excerpt: "It's hard to get tests done. You have to beg, borrow, and steal, basically, and force doctors to test you. Some of them just don't wanna do it. And so Some of them my last two doctors are counting. I forced them to take test.