Timestamp: 00:01:18.534 - 00:01:36.609
About This Clip: Victim mentions the treatment with remdesivir and
Excerpt: "while being in the hospital, he was given, like, seven remdesivir treatments and all other kind of medications. And I was not aware of a lot of different side effects or anything with these medications.
Timestamp: 00:05:22.634 - 00:05:51.105
About This Clip: Victim expresses not being informed about the risk
Excerpt: "I was not aware of of any side effects or was not even told of the risk of what could happen to my husband, as far as more, fluid in the lungs or organs shutting down. My husband did pass away in April of twenty twenty one, so April twenty one twenty first of twenty twenty one... She said I nowhere do I find that remdesivir treats any kind of COVID whatsoever. She said as a matter of fact, it can cause the lungs to fill up with fluid and can cause organ failure and start organs to start shutting down. And then I asked her, well, then why is this given to everybody? Because that's what was given to my husband. And she said because it's the protocol of the hospital... I believe now that a lot of that was contributed from the remdesivir treatments and probably all the other medications that they were giving him.
Timestamp: 00:02:24.439 - 00:02:38.115
About This Clip: Victim expresses feelings of being tricked and man
Excerpt: "One doctor that was, more kind to me and pleasant to me felt bad for us and said, yes, that we could come up and stand behind the glass to at least wave to him before he goes on the ventilator.
Timestamp: 00:02:57.069 - 00:03:08.305
About This Clip: Victim indicates distress caused by the lack of co
Excerpt: "And I was told that night by the nurse that there was a big, argument going on, and they held a meeting that to make sure that no one is allowed to come into the ICU.
Timestamp: 00:02:00.659 - 00:03:18.769
About This Clip: Victim discusses being denied access to visit the
Excerpt: "And during that time, we were not allowed to visit him. They said the family could not come up there, so me and my kids, were not allowed to go in the room and be with him... And as far as the treatments of the remdesivir, as I had mentioned...