Spaces Rules and Guidelines
Welcome to the CHBMP Space! We are dedicated to fostering a respectful and informative environment for discussing critical issues related to freedom, justice, and the impact of COVID policies. Please adhere to the following rules and guidelines to ensure a positive experience for everyone.
General Rules for Speaking
- Mute When Not Speaking: Keep your microphone muted when you’re not actively speaking to prevent feedback and background noise.
- You can tell if you are muted by looking for the red mute icon to the left of the Speaker tag: – if you don’t see that, you may not be muted.
- Avoid Feedback: If feedback is reported, double-check your mute status; your microphone might be causing the issue.
- Avoid asking “can you hear me?” when you first come on mic. If we can’t hear you, we will let you know.
Tips for Participants
- Be Respectful of Time: This Space is centered around the stories of victims. Keep your comments or non-story responses concise and to the point to allow for a smooth flow of conversation and enable other victims to speak.
- Topic Relevance: Stay on topic to maintain the continuity of the discussion. Avoid side conversations to keep the focus on COVID-related crimes against humanity.
How to Participate
- Step Down if Done Speaking: Once you’ve finished speaking and don’t wish to add more, voluntarily move back to a listener to free up space for others to speak.
- Requesting to Speak: To request the microphone, click the “Request to Speak” button in the bottom left corner. This sends a notification to the host or co-hosts.
- Queue Management: Request to secure your place in the queue. Only raise your hand if you have something relevant to what the current speaker is saying. Otherwise, we will take you according to your place in line.
- No Quarter: Trolls will not be entertained or given a platform. Any disruptive behavior, victim shaming, loud noises, or yelling may result in immediate removal from the space.
- Strict Enforcement: The focus is on giving a voice to eyewitnesses and victims. Any attempt to derail this or deride the victims will lead to expulsion from the conversation.
Recording Disclaimer
- Sessions are Recorded: Be aware that the discussion is being recorded. Anything you say may be shared publicly, so speak as if what you say will be a matter of public record.
Moderated Discussionn
- Request to Speak: If you have something to say, request the mic by pressing the microphone icon on the lower left part of your scree. If it’s relevant to the current topic, raise your hand by clicking the +heart icon and choose the waving hand emoji. In all cases, please wait for the host or co-host to call on you to speak.
- Avoid “passing the mic” to other guests. Please allow the moderators to introduce the next speaker, as the queue order may not be apparent to you.
- Be patient: The panel will often discuss an idea at length, and eventually come around to accept other guest speakers. It is not uncommon for guests to wait an hour or longer for an opportunity to speak, but if you stay on and remain patient, you will be granted an opportunity to talk.
- Locked accounts: Private or “locked” accounts will be de-prioritized in the queue. If your account is locked or looks suspicious, you may have to wait til the end of the Space to be heard. If you want to be moved up in the queue, direct message @CHBMPorg or email with your handle and what you want to say.
X Spaces can be buggy!
- Rejoin: If you find you cannot hear someone, or that we can’t hear you, simply close the app or refresh your browser and then rejoin the Space.
- Rejoin: If you get bumped from the mic before you can speak, or bumped from the Space, try rejoining. It may be your connection, or just a glitch. Just request mic again and we will get to you.
- Rejoin: If the Space appears to end prematurely, visit the @CHBMPorg timeline at A new Space may be deployed in the event that the Space crashes, and will be posted there. Wait a few minutes and check again to see if a replacement Space is launched.
- Keep cool: Especially on mobile devices, a Space can be resource-intensive. If the Space starts to lag or sound is breaking up, it might be because your device is running hot. Restarting the app can help. Many users have reported that keeping their phone in a cool place or laying on something cold during the Space helps everything run more smoothly.
Duration and Impact
- Event Duration: Spaces can last several hours, providing ample time for in-depth discussion. We aim to hold the Space long enough for everyone who has something to say to share their experience, but we try to limit the duration of Spaces to about six hours.
- Sharing Stories: If you have relevant experiences to share, such as protocol stories, vaccine injury stories, stories about COVID mandate harms, COVID-related censorship, or other harms, you are encouraged to request the mic and speak out.
- Reach and Engagement: The Space is a powerful tool for reaching people with similar experiences, and sharing your story can make a significant impact.
Thank you for participating and helping us create a respectful and impactful discussion environment.