Vax-Injury: The victim discusses vaccine...

"On April thirtieth of twenty twenty one, she took took her first Moderna shot. ... I believe with my whole...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Infections and injuries + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

The victim discusses her experience...

"let me preface that by saying before I got the vaccine, I didn't have any health issues. We were busy....

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

Accusation of dishonesty regarding the...

"And then a day or two before he died, one of the nurses entered that he said he was vaccinated......

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Gaslighting + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

The victim mentions being asked...

"Apparently, it was, you know, important for a lot of people to ask me, you know, aren't you sorry you...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent

The victim describes experiencing serious...

"We finally got in there to get it, and within the first shot, I didn't have any issues at all......

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Infections and injuries + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

The victim expresses a belief...

"I truly believe they did what they did to him because he wasn't vaccinated. And I refuse to get the...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

The victim discusses how they...

"After the first vaccine, he didn't really notice a whole lot, maybe a little bit of fever, chills. The second...

Other Commonalities: Infections and injuries + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

The victim clearly states that...

"He was killed by the hospital protocol. There was a different protocol for the unvaxxed.

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied alternative treatments + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

Victim discusses the pressure to...

"They were forcing this thing on us, and we didn't have much choice. And anyone who was even to speak...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

Denied alternative treatments and gaslighting....

"Doctors there were gaslighting us. They didn't wanna hear that it was from the vaccine, but I was... I wanted...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Gaslighting + Infections and injuries + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

The victim expresses feelings of...

"I was a nutcase Christian, conspiracist... Oh. We are not vaccinated and wanted to know all about why we were...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Isolation of victim

Perception of malevolence - The...

"It was so evil. This it was all about money...They wanna say this person died because they didn't have the...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing