Evidence of malice, incompetence, or...

"not just created but released, you know, in increments,

Other Commonalities: Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Refusal of transfer + Refusal to communicate

Prevented access or communication with...

And, a friend of mine who worked for the hospital system pulled some strings and had my husband's body moved...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim

Patient told they are very...

Evidence of malice, incompetence, or...

to a transactional relationship where that notion is really the the the doctor having to give subjective decisions about things...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Rapid oxygen increase

Evidence of neglect and mistreatment

I just don't think that the hospital wanted us to disrupt their predetermined plan to follow the FDA CDC protocol....

Other Commonalities: Denied alternative treatments + Denied informed consent + Perception of malevolence

Denial of treatment

They had him on vasodilators, tons of they had him put it this way, when he came out of open...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Neglect + Non-emergency ventilation + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Rapid oxygen increase

Other discrimination

the people version. Doctors? Yeah. Yeah. Frontline doctors, there's my free doctor dot com. There's ivermectin.

Other Commonalities: Denied alternative treatments + Denied informed consent + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Refusal to communicate

Denial of therapeutic

At no time during my four months in the hospital did they let my primary care physician in in the...

Other Commonalities: Denied alternative treatments + Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Removal of communication devices

Police Involvement


Evidence of malice, incompetence, or...

And that's why they won't retest patients, not just because they don't want the family to be in, but if...

Other Commonalities:

Neglect and mistreatment