Victim discusses ivermectin as an...

"I said, do not take it. And I had I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I'm gonna give you the...

Other Commonalities: Denied alternative treatments + Denied informed consent + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

Victim discusses the adverse effects...

"So he did a flex sig, and when they did the rectal tube, it caused fissures. So he did put...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Gaslighting + Infections and injuries + Isolation of victim

The segment illustrates the emotional...

"So we had to suit up, my son and I. We suited up. I mean, you would have thought we...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Isolation of victim

Victim discusses discrepancies in what...

"And there it just feels like they're hiding stuff is what it, you know, what it what it appears to...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

The victim expresses disbelief and...

"I tried to get an autopsy, and the pathologist told me that he didn't feel comfortable doing an autopsy because...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Isolated even in death + Neglect + Refusal to communicate

Pervasive sense of wrongdoing and...

"I really thought they were helping him. I really thought they were doing what was right for him.

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Neglect + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

The family member expresses concern...

"I asked them, well, what are they giving him? They wouldn't tell me what kind of medication they were giving...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Neglect + Refusal to communicate

Lack of accountability and transparency...

"And one day, he slipped and said, my hands are tied. Verbatim, my hands are tied.

Other Commonalities: Gaslighting + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

The victim expresses a belief...

"He shouldn't have died. They murdered him. That's why he died because they murdered him.

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

General abuse of medical practices:...

"And I do know that while I was on the vent, they kept me under with fentanyl and all kinds...

Other Commonalities: Dehumanization + Denied informed consent + Gaslighting + Isolation of victim

Documenting of refusal of food...

"I literally carried two containers, and I put them in a corner full of groceries ... and when, you know,...

Other Commonalities: Dehydration and starvation + Isolation of victim + Neglect

The victim expresses confusion and...

"And, you know, I don't know if there's any explanation for why I got better and he got worse in...

Other Commonalities: Isolation of victim + Neglect + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Strict adherence to EUA protocols