Mistreatment and neglect

Mistreatment and neglect

Texas was robbed of a, you know, a very a very good man to these protocols.

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Perception of malevolence + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

Denial of treatment

"I wasn't happy. Like I said it about them not getting him out of bed because anybody knows when it's...

Other Commonalities: Dehydration and starvation + Denied informed consent + Neglect + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Rapid oxygen increase + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

Mistreatment and neglect

Texas was robbed of a, you know, a very a very good man to these protocols.

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Refusal to communicate + Strict adherence to EUA protocols

Neglect and refusal to treat

"which took several hours because Jeff kept saying he was getting

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence

Mistreatment, neglect

Probably. Okay. Yeah. I have a well, probably Wednesday. He went in on, Tuesday. So.

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Restraint abuse

Mistreatment, refusal to transfer

I can't I don't wanna tell them not to go to a hospital because but I feel that's what they...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Refusal to communicate

Neglect, Mistreatment

Oh, he, he got a real high Geyer, and I they said they didn't know what what it was from....

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Isolation of victim + Neglect + Non-emergency ventilation + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Refusal to communicate + Restraint abuse

Mistreatment and refusal to transfer/release

And then he was placed on a ventilator. Oh, something else...I said, you know, I heard that point that hospitals...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing + Strict adherence to EUA protocols


And my husband didn't even see an MD. He saw a DO in the in the ER, and they didn't...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Rapid oxygen increase

Deprivation of vital needs, cruel...

He's dying. What what what are we gonna do? And they're like, oh, there's nothing we can do. So they...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Infections and injuries + Isolated even in death + Neglect + Non-emergency ventilation + Perception of malevolence + Pervasive sense of wrongdoing

Neglect, mistreatment

Then two weeks later, I went back because I thought, well, there's not that many medical records, so surely they...

Other Commonalities: Denied informed consent + Non-emergency ventilation + Refusal to communicate