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Written by Norma Rizzo
On January 19th, I took my mom to Advent Hospital after dealing with Covid.
We all had gotten Covid after going to our niece’s wedding in NY. At this time, my entire family had Covid. We were all sooo sick, but never had fevers, just exhausted with chest pain and leg pain. My mom never complained – not once! Just kept trying to get over this.
December 2nd, she was supposed to have a doctor appointment with Dr. Ahmed of Advent Hospital, but she missed it, due to illness. I called them to let them know she had Covid. They never offered any medications. I called them a week later and told then she wasn’t getting better. They just suggested going to immediate care and getting a chest x-ray.
The next day she felt better. We were taking the Zelenko protocol and she seemed to be improving, then I noticed walking was very difficult for my mom. It got so bad that I was worried she had had a stroke; because she couldn’t bear weight on her right leg. We have a family history of strokes, and she was still having brain fog, so I thought it could be a stroke.
January 19th, I took her to the ER, they asked vaccination status and then the ER doctor seemed relieved my mom wasn’t vaccinated. He said they had seen a lot of people coming in after receiving shots with AFIB. My mom insisted I go home – BIG MISTAKE!
After I left, they Covid tested her and had her sign an DNR. I told them when I admitted her that I was her health care proxy, and I would need to sign anything. They ignored this request! She was given a PCR test and moved to a Covid wing farthest away from the nursing station.
Every day I went to visit. The hours were 2 P.M. to 6 P.M., which weren’t good for my family. I have two (2) children who are in school and activities. I would have preferred to come A.M. and P.M., for breakfast and/or dinner, but this wasn’t allowed. The nursing staff made me wear gowns masks and face shields. This made it sooo difficult to have any sense of sanity. I felt isolated too! Forgotten as a human being.
On Friday night, January 21, my husband’s birthday, I didn’t want to leave the hospital. I felt something was going on. She had a travel nurse that day, and I felt something was off. I had been leaving messages all day for the all doctors to return my calls and nothing. No one called me. I also had to beg these nurses just to change her diaper as she wasn’t allowed to use the bathroom! They took hours to clean her so I got the wipes to do myself. That’s when the aide walked in. She finished cleaning up and left the room.
It was almost 7 P.M., and I felt like these doctors should have called or stopped in. At least returned a call. Nothing. So I marched to the nurses station and asked for the head nurse, Jessica. I gave her a piece of my mind and told her everything that had happened! She was apologetic and then my mom’s new evening nurse came in and said my mom wasn’t doing well! So I ran back to her room yelling for her, and she was non responsive.
Mom had coded, and everyone was up there trying to revive her! It was the same doctor from the ER who asked vaccine status who was giving my mom chest compressions. While he was doing this, an evil nurse was telling him to stop, because of the DNR! I told them that my mom wasn’t supposed to sign anything without my knowledge and that she was coerced.
The paperwork was pulled and they showed me the DNR! I could feel her soul leave her body, then they got a pulse and she came back. I think she must’ve been charged by my rage and the epinephrine.
They brought her back, but vented her! They told me they had to, but when I saw her again she was trying to take it out!!! They brought her back to life and she held out hands, but they convinced me she was at the end and she just rallied for us. They suggested we move her to palliative care and kept bringing up that DNR she signed. At 7 A.M. the following day, Saturday, she officially passed on 1/22/22 – murdered by a series of several people who all did the wrong thing in a time they swore allegiance to do no harm.
My family is devastated and I am devastated. I lost my Mom, best friend and my neighbor. My children lost their “Mim” – this is what we called her. My children have no grandparents on both sides of the family. My dad died when I was three (3) and on that night, before she [my mom] died I saw him. He came to get her. God Bless her soul!
Norma K. Ritter-Rizzo we will never forget you, and we will never forget you were denied drugs and vitamins that would have saved your life. I’m sorry mom!
With love,