Mark Ryan Story

My husband Jimmy Don Davis was a Vietnam Veteran. After returning home he became an Oklahoma City Firefighter & served for 25 years demonstrating courage, selflessness & the willingness to help & rescue others even in the face of personal danger & adversity! He was sweet, kind, loving, brilliant with an innovative inventive mind, big & strong, gorgeously handsome & exceedingly brave! I didn’t worry about him throughout his Firefighting career – he was not only great at his job – he had God’s protective arms surrounding him! He was the love of my life, my Knight in Shining Armor, my best friend, my soulmate & my HERO! There are not enough words to adequately describe him except to say that to me “he was bigger than life”!
We were married almost 48 years! We have 3 wonderful children & 9 precious grandchildren. On 12/18/21 my 92 year old Mother died & Jimmy & I were exposed to COVID at her funeral on 12/21/21. We weren’t feeling well over Christmas & by December 27th it was apparent that Jimmy needed some medical help – we went to the VA Hospital Emergency Room where they tested Jim for COVID & after getting a positive result wanted to put him in the COVID ICU. However they explained to us that he would be there for 10 to 14 days & that I would not be allowed to stay nor to visit him. That was not acceptable to either one of us. I persuaded them to keep us until the morning so that I could a provider to give him monoclonal antibodies. They did & when we were released they sent him home with oxygen.
I took Jimmy to get the monoclonal antibodies the morning of December 28th. By the time we returned home his oxygen tanks were empty so we used the Home Oxygen Concentrator that the VA had delivered to us. I ran to the Pharmacy to get the COVID medicines that Dr. Bartlett in Texas had called into our pharmacy however, they didn’t have the Budesonide that was so critical for his treatment. When I returned home Jimmy was not doing well. The oxygen mask that had been left with the Concentrator had large holes in it & he wasn’t getting the oxygen that he needed. I was on the phone with our daughter in NC & took Jimmy’s O2 level & discovered that it was only 56. Our daughter & I were discussing calling for emergency care & Jimmy heard & said “don’t call 911 Debby. If they take me to the hospital they will kill me”. Sadly, he was 100% right – they most definitely did kill him!
I will regret for the rest of my life that I didn’t listen to him or that I didn’t know what else to do to help him at that critical time! However, we were afraid that he was going to die right there in our living room so I did call 911. At that point my husband even in his distressed & hypoxic state said “make sure to tell them no lights or sirens” (just like a true hero firefighter who doesn’t want any attention brought upon himself!) The Firefighters & the Paramedics arrived & determined that he needed to go to the hospital. We told them Mercy because we had been told that I could stay with him. As they were taking Jimmy out on the gurney I realized that they didn’t have any oxygen on him & it looked as though he was going to have a stroke. I started yelling for them to get oxygen on him but they took him out to the ambulance which was parked a long way from our front door before they put the oxygen on him. I saw that he was doing better so I told him I’d be right behind him & then I instructed the medics to inform the hospital “No Remdesiver”! When I arrived just shortly after the ambulance I went into the ER & explained who I was there with. I was told that because he was in the COVID ER I couldn’t go back. I explained that I lived with him & it would be fine for me to be with him.
They acted very rude & hateful towards me. They began yelling at me to get out. I again tried to explain that I was his wife, his health care advocate & that I needed to be with him to help him. I also explained that he was a retired Firefighter, from a family of FF’s & that since he was having such difficulty since I was his health care advocate he needed me to be with him! They became unhinged at that point & started yelling for me to get out or they would call the police & have me THROWN IN JAIL. I pressed it somewhat but, realized that I couldn’t be of any help to Jim if I was in jail. I went to my car to wait in hopes of a call from him as I had given the nurse Jimmy’s cell phone with instructions for him to FaceTime me. He did & I was trying to calm him down, reminding him that we had been in the VA Emergency Room the night before & that if he just stayed on the high-flow bipap until I could find another hospital that would let me be with him then I would move him. About that time he told me a doctor was coming into his room & he would talk to me later. I was telling him not to hang up when he did! I sat in my car on that freezing cold Oklahoma December night searching my mind & praying for a solution to our dilemma. I didn’t know at that moment that would be the very last time I would ever hear Jimmy speak to me!
The hospital called to get information to admit Jim. I told them that we weren’t staying – that we would be going elsewhere. We talked a few minutes as I told her our predicament & then she said that he was leaving – it just came across her screen. So I rushed back into the hospital where they started yelling at me again & I explained that my husband was leaving. A couple of nurses came out to the outer door where I was standing & told me that Jimmy went into Cardiac Arrest & collapsed. I asked them if they had had to administer CPR to my husband? They said yes & then another nurse came in & said they’d lost him – that he was gone! I was stricken with shock & then they said it wasn’t him! They told me that they were still working on him & that I should wait in the car for the doctor’s call. A while later Dr. F called & said that he had ascertained that Jimmy was in his right mind when he had insisted that he wanted to leave so Dr. F allowed him to sign himself out. I replied that was why I needed to be with him as he needed his health care advocate because obviously he wasn’t in his right mind. At that point I didn’t know all the details regarding his attempt to leave.
The doctor said they had taken Jimmy to the COVID ICU. I would not be able to see him. The Hospital House Supervising Manager called a while later & in a contentious manner informed me that I had no legal rights to make the decisions in Jimmy’s Health care. I informed him that as Jimmy’s wife I was his Healthcare Advocate & he then told me that didn’t matter. When I asked if I as his wife & Healthcare Advocate didn’t have any authority who did – he informed me that “they did – the hospital now makes all decisions regarding his care”. I vehemently disagreed. At that point he asked if I had a Power of Attorney & I replied that I did. To which he responded that if it wasn’t initiated & notarized after November 1, 2021 that it would not be acceptable! When we got off the phone I researched the State law & he was wrong! Several hours later I finally went home to await further information & our daughter’s arrival from NC that evening.
Brooke arrived & that next morning took me to the clinic to get monoclonal antibodies in hopes that I would get better quickly. We were able to talk to Dr. L finally on the phone & asked him to give Jimmy the Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide (every 2 hours), high dose Vitamin C & D3. He refused & informed us that it wasn’t the FDA, CDC protocol so the hospital would NOT be treating Jimmy with any other medication! We told him that we had proof – case studies, etc. He said that he didn’t want anything from those quacks that had stood on the Capitol steps. We mentioned the Law that Oklahoma had passed in the spring & the Governor had signed that was “No Patient Left Alone”. He stated that the hospital is not following that. We asked for the Federal “Right to Try” medications. Again, they are not doing that. We were stymied at every turn. Brooke contacted some Senators & Representatives she knew to see if they could intervene. The Hospital told those Legislators that they were in touch with us however they were not. Brooke took donuts up to the nurses in hopes that they would soften, but for her kind efforts they made sarcastic notes in Jimmy’s records about her. Later, I found negative things – actual lies that they had said about me also when I finally received some of his records. And there were numerous notes saying “wife not wanting Remdesivir – will try to change her mind”.
Additionally, I found four different accounts about what happened that night of December 28, 2021. Jimmy did not want to stay in the hospital without me. When he was confronted with the prospect of that & I’m guessing that they, too told him that he’d be in COVID ICU for at least 10 to 14 days that he then informed them that he wasn’t staying! They had also asked him & then me if he was vaccinated & we both said that he wasn’t. I think that they treated him poorly because of that & because he was suspicious of the hospital & their treatment protocols. Consequently, they let him sign himself out (when his O2 levels were so low & he wasn’t truly capable of making a decision like that on his own). The tragic & critical fact is that They DID NOT HAVE OXYGEN on him consequently he didn’t get far from the room before he collapsed & went into Cardiac Arrest! They did CPR & revived him however, they immediately put him on the ventilator. They then proceeded to kill him with the drugs & the high flow oxygen on the ventilator.
We informed them that his normal oxygen ran from 88 to 93 so pushing for close to 100 was something that his lungs weren’t capable of. They didn’t listen. We finally found out about the video link after 3 days & we were then able to see him & talk to him. Of course he couldn’t respond, however I was hoping & praying that he could hear me reassure him that I wasn’t leaving him alone. That I was seeing that he was being cared for & that I loved him with all of my heart! It was truly devastating to see my big, strong, vivacious, handsome, husband being treated in such a dehumanizing manner! Brooke contacted her friend Attorney Tom Renz who was trying to help us. He needed an Oklahoma attorney as he isn’t licensed here so Brooke contacted several & none would get involved. Finally, after more pressure from the Senator’s office we got a call on Monday January 3, 2022 saying that Brooke & I could go see Jimmy that day.
After that only I could come 3 times a week! What a stupid ridiculous policy however, by that time we were more than desperate to see him in person. Of course we had to gown up & by this time we were sure that he was no longer contagious. We had asked them to do another COVID test but for some unknown reason they wouldn’t! We went into his room & it broke my heart to see my sweetheart, my hero, a man that was truly a force to be reckoned with in such a cruel & critical condition. All because of their treatment of him from the moment they found out he was unvaccinated and was requesting a treatment plan that didn’t align with their protocol as a result he was filled with apprehension and distrustful of their hospital & wanted out! He was desperately trying to save his own life since I had been barred from being with him & advocating for him!
We talked to the doctor & he told us Jimmy’s condition wasn’t good. He also admitted that “mistakes had been made” in his treatment. I told him that I was aware of that, however I didn’t go into details – I wish now that I had. At that time all my focus was on getting him better care and saving his life!
Every day we always had difficulty getting his nurse to answer our call to give us the updates & to start the video link. For the 10 days that he was there he only had one nurse that seemed to have any compassion and sadly she was only there 2 or 3 days.
I went back to see him on Wednesday January 5th. He was worse, his hands, lower legs & feet had swollen so much. His kidneys were not functioning & they were going to start dialysis on Thursday. I tried calling numerous times on Thursday to find out how he was. Brooke called the hospital to see if I could have a “compassionate visit” because of his deteriorating condition. They refused! Finally after calling off & on all day & evening while being nice, polite & cognizant of their time limitations I called at about 1:20 a.m. Friday January 7th. I had to leave a message with the nurse who answered the phone as I STILL couldn’t talk to his nurse! I laid down to get some rest & about 10 minutes later a doctor I had NEVER spoken with called and COLDLY said “Mrs. Davis, you’re husband is ACTIVELY DYING”! I know that I was in a state of shock. I asked him how long we had? Did I have time to get there? I wanted to be there! He said to hurry.
I informed him that my daughter & I would be there as fast as we could get there however we were almost an hour away. I then told him that our other daughter & our son would be coming too. He said to go to the ER & they would escort us up. When we arrived at the ER they didn’t know anything about us coming so Brooke & I made our way up to that floor & wing. Again, we had to gown up! In a few minutes our other two arrived & I realized that the doctor & nurse were talking outside the cubicle to them for a long time. Once they came in they told us that only 3 of us could be in there unless I decided to take him off life support. I wasn’t ready yet. I had made the decision when I walked in his room that I would make no decision until after 5:30 am.
It was about 3:00 when they came in. The doctor & nurses continued pressuring my younger two kids – our son even offered to leave the room first & that he & the girls would then take turns. I said “no one is leaving this room”. They said Mom they’re going to kick us out. To which I responded “over my dead body”! It is disgusting & disgraceful how they kept putting mental & emotional distress upon those two & consequently on all four of us as their Daddy, my husband was dying!! They are heartless, cruel, callous, truly evil people!
Finally at 6:20 a.m. I gave the nurse permission to stop his life support. Less than 10 minutes later Jimmy’s heart stopped beating. Shockingly, they didn’t shut off the ventilator so even though his heart was no longer beating his chest was rising and falling as the ventilator kept pushing air into his lungs! Our son & daughter had to turn off the ventilator! My husband and the father of our 3 children – Jimmy Don Davis was admitted to the Hospital on December 28, 2021. On January 7, 2022 he woke up to not only a New Year but a New & Eternal Life with Jesus in Heaven!
Our lives, future, our world & our family have been torn into a million pieces over the tragic loss of our extraordinary, faith filled, strong, funny, brilliant, kind, loving, gorgeously handsome & exceedingly brave & courageous man! He was so much a force of nature! He was a strong powerful man on fire for Jesus, a loving family man, a devoted & loving husband! He was loved, cherished & needed by his 3 children, 9 grandchildren & the 3 great grandchildren born after his departure to Heaven!! Oh Father God, how could this happen? He was my hero, my sweetheart – the love of my life!!! “HE WAS BIGGER THAN LIFE”! And he was murdered!
I am now forced to forge a path I never imagined – I am fighting for “JUSTICE for JIMMY”! I hope and pray that all of you who are reading this will join me – join us in seeking Justice & in putting an end to these murderous protocols that have killed so many! “The wicked plots against the just, And gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him, For He sees that his day is coming.” Psalm 37:12-13 The following are Excerpts From the Journal of Jimmy Don Davis:
“Praise Be the Lord!” “My prayer was to desire God with all of my being. God’s Word says that our desires will overtake us, so it is written, so let it be.”
“Forgive me when I didn’t see you, Lord! For now with age and your wisdom I realize You have always been there. Blessed Be Your Name!”
“Pray without ceasing, power without ceasing. As you can tell I am overcome with praise, because I am overcome with blessings!
The power of God is never ending. All things are possible to those who love Him. He will never leave nor forsake us.”
“God is full of help! God is my Rock on which I stand (do stand). Glory and praises Be His Name.
I will shout it from the mountain tops, Pray Without Ceasing. For it is written seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you!
All these things are your needs, wishes and desires! WOW! Thank you God.” “I am humbled by God’s overwhelming love and goodness!”
“Thank you Lord and praise and glory be yours…” “In Jesus Name. Amen” ❤ Thank you God for my Jimmy!
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.