Mark Ryan Story

To Whom It May Concern,
There are things that I am sure I forgot to mention but it breaks my heart every time I have to go over this and think about what they made my mother go through. It is hard to remember some things until later when it just pops into my head. My mother had even told me at one point “that something doesn’t feel right, you need to get me out of here”. In the second picture I shared you can see some of the bruising she suffered. Who knows what happened to her when we were unable to be there with her.
I am writing to you today to discuss the death of my mother, Esther Spanberger.
My mother was diagnosed with “Covid” on October 29th, 2021. I do not believe that she had Covid as she got sick like this almost every single year. As a matter of fact; she was so sick a couple years ago that she broke a rib from coughing so much. I took her the E.R. and they just sent her home with meds and added pain meds. They did NOT offer to hospitalize her at that time. Also, the tests can’t differentiate between the common cold, the flu or Covid. Anyway, I digress…
When my mother first went to the hospital, she declined the Covid test. They continued to badger her (I wasn’t there nor was my cousin) until she finally said OKAY. She had already said no several times. Needless to say, the test came back positive. At this point they put her on a Bi-pap machine. She was breathing on her own already but may have needed some fluids and oxygen. Nothing more. I told them to take her off of the bi-pap machine and just give her regular oxygen but they refused.
Anyway; They decided to send her to another hospital. We, my cousin & I, tried like crazy to get her sent to a hospital that wasn’t part of UPMC… They said that the hospitals we mentioned weren’t taking patients… without even checking. While at the other hospital ( UPMC Hamot) they kept her on a bi-pap machine until they switched her to a c-pap machine. From the moment she arrived they kept saying that she was going to die and that she wasn’t going to make it… said this in front of her constantly. We asked that she be released as she wanted to go home. They kept saying that it would be AMA and implied we wouldn’t be able to get her in somewhere else if we needed to. They even flat out told us that she wouldn’t be able to survive the trip home. She was on IV fluids. For about 7 to 9 days they would NOT give her a drink of water, food or even a popsicle all of which she asked for all the time. She had no nutrition whatsoever that entire time. I know this because I asked her & the nurses when we were allowed to visit (an hour a day is all we were given). The most they would do was swab her mouth with a small sponge and only when my cousin and I would insist on it. Once she had told me that she had to go to the bathroom. I told the nurse and the nurse’s response was; “Tell her to go ahead & go and I will clean her up when I get to it”.
At some point, early on in her stay there, they gave her “Monoclonal Antibodies”. I was not made aware of this until much later, (also was never made aware of the side effects.) after she was vented. A little information about side effects for this particular medicine…
Monoclonal Antibodies side effects:
Allergic reactions, Chills, Weakness, Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Rash, Itching, High blood glucose levels, Cough, Constipation, Shortness of breath, Peripheral edema, Headache, Fever, Muscle aches & pains, Decreased appetite, Increased triglyceride levels, Insomnia, Abdominal pain, Back pain, Dizziness, Low blood pressure, Anaphylaxis, Serious infections, Cancer, Serum sickness, Autoimmune thyroiditis, Congestive heart failure, Bleeding, Interstitial lung disease, Hepatitis, Generation of antibodies, Mucositis, Stomatitis, Anemia, Reduced white blood cell counts, Hypothyroidism, Serious infections if combined with steroids, Decreased urine output, Difficult or labored breathing, Irregular breathing, Irregular heartbeat, Lack of or loss of strength, Pain, Runny or stuffy nose, Seizures, Slow or fast heartbeat, Sore throat, Sores/ulcers or white spots on lips or in mouth, Stabbing pain, Sweating, Swelling of the face/feet/fingers or lower legs, Swelling or inflammation of the mouth, Thirst, Trouble breathing, Unusual bleeding or bruising, Unusual tiredness or weakness, Watery or bloody diarrhea, Weight gain, Yellow skin, Difficulty swallowing, Confusion, Increased thirst, Muscle pain & cramps, Open sores (mouth),
This medication can cause: Stomach or bowel perforation… including blockage, Tracheoesophageal fistula… trouble swallowing, choking while eating, trouble breathing or chest pain.
It can also increase the chance of infection, Can cause blood clots or a brain condition called Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (P.R.E.S.). Chest pain, headaches, seizures, drowsiness, confusion and High blood pressure.
Just a little side note: Not only was I not made aware of this medication having been given to my mother but neither was my mother or my cousin until mom was put on the ventilator.
I have also included side effects from machines used on my mother and just 2 of the medications used. Any time a new side effect would pop up they would add another medication which in turn caused other side effects and ultimately ended with my mother’s death.
Bi-pap Machine Side Effects:
Skin irritation, Bloating, Dryness- extremely dry/chapped lips & even nosebleeds, Infections – mucus drainage may be impaired, antihistamines & decongestants may also aggravate nasal dryness, Nonallergic rhinitis.
Cpap Machine Side Effects:
Aerophagia – eating or swallowing air, Discomfort, Claustrophobia, Mask leak, Dry/stuffy nose or nosebleeds, Skin irritations, Dry mouth, Infections, Lung discomfort, Dizziness, Shortness of breath.
Morphine Side Effects:
Dizziness, Drowsiness, Vomiting, Trouble breathing, Sedation, Dry mouth, Headache, Flushing, Trouble seeing, Stomach pain, Constipation, Nausea, Skin rashes/hives/itching, also overdose symptoms: Swelling, Vomiting, Trouble focusing, Difficulty breathing, Stopped breathing, Low body temperature, Blue skin or nails, Fainting.
They also gave her fentanyl;
Get emergency help immediately if any of the following symptoms of overdose occur while taking fentanyl:
Ventilator Side Effects:
Infection – lets in bacteria that infect the tiny air sacs in the walls of your lungs. Plus, the tube makes it harder to cough away debris that could irritate your lungs & cause infection… V.A.P. Can get it in addition to other infections. Also, higher risk of sinus infection.
Lung damage – damages lung tissue, weakening of the diaphragm & all the other muscles involved in drawing a breath.
Acute lung injury, Psychological complications – P.T.S.D., Decreased cardiac output, Unintended respiratory alkalosis, Increased intracranial pressure, Gastric distension, Impairment of hepatic & renal function, Pneumothorax, Bronchopleural fistula, Nosocomial pneumonia, Pulmonary edema – buildup of liquid in your lungs on top of already having pneumonia and… finally – “misadventures” due primarily to lapses of understanding & communications among doctors, nurses and respiratory practitioners.
Hypoxemia – too little oxygen in your blood, Delirium, Immobility, Vocal cord problems.
My mother suffered so many of these side effects. She didn’t have these issues until after they started her treatment.
Also, for all the doctors that claim this was the right/correct treatment for my mother… I would like them to be put on a bi-pap or cpap machine, go without food or water for a minimum of 7 days, receive the Monoclonal Antibodies and be made to lay in bed. No other forms of nourishment during this time. No breaks from the machine and no potty breaks. Would be nice to see what their health is like after enduring this kind of treatment.
My mother was also put on a dialysis machine only one day after being put on the ventilator.
The day she passed, when my cousin and I walked in the room they had already taken my mom off the dialysis machine. We do not know why. No explanation was ever given. There was a bag on the machine that was at least ½ to ¾ of the way filled with my mother’s blood. They were trying to get her blood pressure up… How can that be done when so much of her blood was hanging on a machine. They also had her fluids bag disconnected and they claimed that her organs were dehydrated… confused yet??? Me too! Why were her fluids not being given to her?
We had repeatedly asked, right from the start, that they give her hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin but we were told that was ridiculous or that it wouldn’t work. They wouldn’t even try! I thought our president (President Trump) passed the “Right to Try” act. My mother was not given that right. They kept saying that she was going to die so why would it hurt to try? My thought is because if my mother were to survive, they wouldn’t get the extra money. I know they get money for each patient that tests positive for covid, then for each patient that gets put on a ventilator and again for each patient that dies. This to me is incentive for them to not save patients. I know, they say it is protocol. Well, if your protocol isn’t working doesn’t it make sense to try something different. After all, they took an oath to do no harm and from what I have experienced they are doing plenty of harm.
There are many things that I have not mentioned, like the fact that when we would go in to see mom, she would have had a bowel movement and wasn’t cleaned up (feces was dried on her). Once they had stuck the throw away bed pads (bed chucks) all up around her private area and just let her lay there in feces. I could NOT find anyone that was willing to do an autopsy on my mother. As soon as the word “covid” was mentioned we were told that they wouldn’t do it. We even called many coroners in surrounding counties… not one was willing to touch her.
I guess it boils down to this… My mother was not a wealthy person, she lived on social security that she earned working her ass off throughout her life. She was 76yrs old. She was overweight but she was far from lazy. She planted 100s of flowers every year, took care of her own yard (mowing/weed eating) and once in a while helped my aunt & cousin with their yards. She kept a 3-story home spotless. If she needed something she got it and didn’t expect someone else to take care of it for her. She also took care of some feral cats… fed them, got them all spayed/neutered and vaccinated for rabies. She was a good, caring person and at the end was treated like a lab rat. She should not have died the way she did with no dignity or respect. The doctors were very rude and indifferent.
My mother lost her life because there is a “pandemic” and money to be made. I am not saying that covid doesn’t exist but I am saying that my mother didn’t have it. She was as sick as she had been every year prior. Money was/is the big motive for a covid patient to be diagnosed. I also know that the “covid” test can NOT differentiate between covid, the common cold or the flu. People are being misdiagnosed and therefore they are being treated wrong and like my mother, killed. The all-mighty dollar still carries a lot of weight in this little world of ours.
Please do not disregard this letter. Please feel free to contact me and ask me any questions you may have.
Dawn Malcolm
These are just a few of the cases archived by our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, and there are more being reported by survivors and families of victims every day. If you would like to help with this project, please consider becoming part of the Task Citizens Force Against Instutional Capture And Crimes Against Humanity, a FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation mission.