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Written by Donald Russell, Jr.
Don had tested positive for Covid 19 and went to the hospital for treatment. The treatment given caused cardiac arrest and kidney failure. Dealing with death is difficult, but it is harder when you know he didn’t have to die. When Don went into the hospital, a nurse told me his liver function was 1.23 which is within normal ranges for a man his age. He was given Remdesivir as a treatment for Covid-19 which has multiple bad side effects. Dr. Fauci talked about this drug and he thought Remdesivir showed a lot of promise, but the side effects outweigh his hope. Additionally, it should not be given to people on a ventilator.
Even WHO recommended against using Remdesivir in a statement put out over a year before Don went to the hospital. Apparently Don’s doctors did not follow these recommendation or even know the side effects because we were not informed of the risks. After six days, Don’s kidney function went to 4.78 and he was placed on dialysis. Because of Remdesivir his kidneys were failing!
One of the many issues that I have is that they asked a man, who was hypoxic, to make multiple major decisions. He was clearly not fully aware under those conditions. Especially after they gave him mind altering medications. One of those decisions they asked him to make was if he agreed to be put on a ventilator. Who does that? The standard procedure is to ask the family what to do when any change of plan is made. I was not called until after they said Don had agreed to go on a ventilator. How could he ever give his permission in the state he was in? They told me that “Don had given his permission” and I needed to come to get his things and say whatever I wanted to him before they put him on the ventilator.
I never wanted him to go on the ventilator! I repeatedly told them that and they ignored me, his wife. Then ten days later he died from their Covid-19 “protocols”. He died because his kidneys stopped functioning as a result of the Remdesivir that they gave him. Remdesivir was already proven to be ineffective and very high risk. The Cardiac arrest was then caused by his body shutting down.
They were not treating him properly or listening to me about my wishes concerning my husbands care. During the whole time Don was in the hospital, I was told by doctors and nurses that he was getting better when his highest kidney function was 6.4. This clearly wasn’t true and I question why they told me he was getting better. I understand giving wanting to give someone hope, but I wanted and needed accurate information. I wanted them to listen to me and they should have at least listened to the experts saying DON’T USE REMDESIVIR! The entire time, I felt lied to and no one should feel that way.
Why did the nurse tell me at 4:30 p.m. the day before Don died that he was doing okay and at 2:00 a.m. he was gone? Yes, things can change, but there needs to be a reason, a progression, something. Also, there were five other people on ventilators on the same floor that Don was on during the two weeks he was on a ventilator. Those patients were there at 4:30 p.m. I saw them because I had to pass their rooms to get to Don’s. When I was allowed back later when Don died, they were all gone. How did six people all die around the same time? That is one HUGE coincidence.
After going over his medical records we have found many inaccuracies. An example is that he was billed for a tracheostomy that he never received (Why is that in there?). He was also restrained while in a coma and on the ventilator, multiple times, and I was never consulted or told about this. He was described as delusional but we were told he was the one who gave his consent to all these treatments. How could he do that, and if so why was I not notified? If he was delusional, then I should have been the one to be asked to give consent for any procedures that were needed. Instead, I was verbally abused.
These are only some of the things I have found in his medical records. I suspect a full review will reveal more details as to how my husband was killed in the hospital. Please do not allow this to happen to yourself or your loved one.